Debra Messing tells Susan Sarandon to "shut the door" about Trump


Debra Messing once again criticized Susan Sarandon and accused her of publicly supporting Donald Trump.

The two actors previously celebrated before the elections of 2016. They resumed their argument on September 12 of this year when the Will & Grace The star told Sarandon to "close the camp" after watching his video interview on Trump.

"Trump is so annoying, he's like a comic character, that you can not be aware of what's going on," said Sarandon Variety. "Bernie Sanders has proven that you can run for office without taking any dark money … There are many more women running for office.

"It's a revolution … maybe things had to be so bad before real changes really happened, we just have to stay awake."

The publication titled the piece: "Trump has, if anything, inspired more women and people of color to run for office," says actress Susan Sarandon.

Messing responded vehemently on Twitter, writing: "STFU SUSAN Oh yes, PLEASE GIVE CREDIT to Trump, I mean, how else are you able to go out on the street?"

"Convince yourself that this DISASTER for a president you said was better than [Hillary Rotten Clinton] Do not tear children away from parents who ask for asylum. "

Sarandon reacted quickly by writing: "Before you put yourself at the mercy of everyone, try clicking on the video and listening to what I'm saying, not the Variety Clickbait title, which does not have quotation marks. It's a clue … "

She also wrote in a general post on Twitter: I understand why the clickbait title of Variety would be overwhelming, but after watching the video, you'll see that's not what I said. "

Sarandon was a defender of Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries, while Messing was a staunch supporter of Clinton.

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