Decomposition of Canadian regulations on legalized pot by each province


The capital of Canada, Ottawa, would have set a minimum purchase age of 18, but each province would also choose that age. Some go with 19 others with 18, but this remains a provincial regulation.

Under the law, adults 18 years and older are allowed to own up to 30 grams of cannabis dried in public, to share up to 30 grams of cannabis with other adults and to grow up to four plants from the house per household.

They can also buy fresh or dried cannabis, cannabis oils, plants and seeds for cultivation "from a regulated retailer in a province or territory".

Canadians will also be legally allowed to buy marijuana online and receive it by mail, which is illegal in the United States, even in states where recreational use is legal.

"Legal cannabis products are only sold through retailers authorized by your provincial or territorial government," the federal government says on its website. "Legal cannabis products have an" excise stamp "on packaging.

"The stamp has security functions to prevent falsification, as do passports and banknotes.Each province and territory has a different color of the excise stamp.Legal cannabis products will also carry the standardized symbol of cannabis and mandatory health warnings to inform the risks of use. "

In Ontario, Canada's most populous province, residents can only buy cannabis through Ontario Cannabis Online Store, managed by the government. The province continues to work on regulations and should not see the opening of legal legal stores until next spring.

As stated in the introduction, this article will review the specific rules and regulations of each province regarding the legal sale and consumption of cannabis north of the border.

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