Defiant Ted Cruz in El Paso, birthplace of Beto O'Rourke, tells the Democrats: "Come and take it" | 2018 Elections


EL PASO – There was no love for the hometown MP Beto O 'Rourke in the gymnasium of Franklin High School High School on Saturday night.

A sea of ​​2,200 people carrying the signs "Ted Cruz: Tough Cruz: Texas", wearing the red hats "Make America Great Again" and waving American flags came to energetically support the Republican Senator Ted Cruz. The outgoing president is engaged in a closely monitored battle for reelection with O 'Rourke, whom Democrats regard as their best asset for winning an elective office on a statewide scale for 24 years.

An energetic Cruz, with comfortable positions in recent polls despite O'Rourke's big fundraising, greeted the crowd of standing MPs only: "The media told me there was no conservatives in El Paso. " The crowd booed loudly.

Cruz then reviewed a list of questions essential to his conservative base. As for taxes, he said, he had paved the way for the success of "the biggest tax reduction in a generation." And he had worked to reduce business regulation, which would have created more jobs.

Unemployment, he told the crowd, was at its lowest rate in 49 years. Among African Americans and Hispanics, he said, the level was at its lowest.

"It looks like we have an agenda that works," he said.

He even released his own "Beto" – Gilberto Gonzalez – a special agent of the Drug Enforcement Agency for 24 years, who now heads the Texas Narcotics Officers Association and supports the Cruz campaign.

Cruz also linked the success of Trump's political positions to his. The US embassy in Israel eventually settled in Jerusalem, he said, and the country withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement and the United States. the Iran nuclear deal.

"What about judges?" He asked. "We have Judge Neil Gorsuch and Judge Brett Kavanaugh."

The crowd applauded and began to chant "USA! USA!"

Cruz said Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings were "an absolute circus" and described the "democrats' behavior of Congress as truly appalling".

Cruz's account of her summary appealed to voters such as Rosie Romo, who said she shared her views on border security, the defense of Israel and the opposition to it. # 39; abortion. She had voted for him in the past and would vote for him "forever," she said.

He also appealed to Edwin Tresco, who said he will vote for the first time in November to prevent liberal politicians from taking power in Texas.

Cruz capitalized on this comparison by telling the crowd that Texans will have a steep comparison on election day. He added that Mr. O. Rourke wanted higher taxes and more regulation, and described his opinion on immigration as "radical and reckless".

"This is the good news," Cruz told the crowd, approaching the crescendo of his speech. "It's Texas and there are many more conservatives than liberals in the state of Texas."

He assured the crowd that he would win the elections in November and invoked the Texians at the Battle of Gonzales, closing his speech with an implicit message to the Democrats: "Come and take it!"

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