Delhi: Fuel pumps will remain closed tomorrow to protest the government's refusal to reduce VAT


By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi |

Last updated: October 21, 2018 10:20 pm: 25

The center cuts fuel prices by 2.50 rupees: List of states where gasoline and diesel have become cheaper In Delhi, gasoline now costs 81.74 Rs per liter and diesel at Rs 75.19 per liter. (File)

The Delhiians could face an energy crisis on Monday, as the 400 gas pumps as well as the GNC distribution units in the nation's capital will remain closed in protest of the government's refusal to reduce VAT on fuel, said the Delhi Petrol Dealers Association (DPDA). Fuel pumps in Delhi will remain closed from 6 am to 6 am on Tuesday.

The chairman of the DPDA, Nischal Singhania, said that since Uttar Pradesh and Haryana had reduced VAT on gasoline and diesel, customers were abandoning gas pumps in Delhi, resulting in a significant drop Sales.

"On September 4, the Center reduced petrol and diesel rates by Rs. 2.50 per liter. This reduction was followed by a reduction of VAT in several states, including neighboring states Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. But the Delhi government has refused to reduce VAT, leading to higher fuel prices compared to the border with Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, said Singhania, quoted by PTI.

READ Gasoline and diesel price reduction for the fourth day in a row

Due to the price difference, there has been a sharp 50-60% drop in diesel sales in Delhi and 25% gasoline during this quarter, said the chairman of the DPDA. He added that on Monday, the 400 pumps in Delhi will not be able to buy or sell gasoline, diesel and CNG.

Calling on the government led by Arvind Kejriwal to immediately reduce VAT on gasoline and diesel, Singhania said it also resulted in a loss of revenue. DPDA urges the Delhi government to immediately reduce VAT on gasoline and diesel and encourage commuters to buy Euro VI fuel and preserve the livelihoods of employees and owners of Delhi's fuel pumps , as well as losses of state revenue, "the statement said.

Kejriwal said the BJP had led the strike on the owners of gas pumps. "The owners of gas pumps told us privately that it was a BJP-sponsored strike, actively supported by cos oil. In fact, the BJP imposed it on the owners of gas pumps. People will give the BJP an answer worthy of the name in elections because they constantly bother people through their dirty policies, "tweeted the AAP leader.

This change comes as gasoline and diesel prices have been reduced for the fourth consecutive day Sunday under the effect of falling international oil prices, somewhat relieving two-month consumer victims incessantly rising rates. The price of gasoline was reduced by 25 pesetas per liter and diesel by 17 pesetas, according to information provided by the oil companies. In Delhi, gasoline now costs 81.74 Rs per liter and diesel at Rs 75.19 per liter.

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