Delhi: The heaviest teenager in the world weighs 237 kg


New Delhi, July 3: A 14-year-old from Uttar Nagar west of Delhi weighing 237 kg underwent weight reduction surgery at the Max Saket Hospital there is some months. Mihir Jain, the teenager, is the heaviest teenager in the world to have undergone gastric bypass surgery, said a veteran bariatric surgeon at Max Hospital, Dr. Pradeep Chowbey, who performed the # 39; transaction.

92, Mihir could hardly bear. A BMI greater than 60 is in the super-super obese category. Dr. Chowbey told Times of India (TOI), "When I first saw it, I was not confident about its success. He was too heavy for that. "

Dr. Chowbey prescribed Mihir a low calorie diet (VLCD) of about 800 calories." A normal diet has 2,500 to 3,000 calories. "Mihir followed the restrictive diet much to the doctor's consternation. Dr. Chowbey said, "To my surprise, Mihir came to see us after four weeks, he had lost a good 10kg, I was happy to see their dedication and I suggested they continue the same diet for another two months, which reduced the weight to 196 kg, but we then realized that for a further reduction, surgery would be necessary and that his case would be operational in April. "

Mihir was born in November 2013 with a normal weight of 2.5 kg. However, his weight gradually increased to 60-70 kg when he was five years old. Her mother, Puja Jain, said, "Most of our family members are overweight, so we did not take it seriously. But a moment came when he could not even walk properly because of his weight. He stopped going to school after class II and I had to teach him at home. "

Mihir reportedly said," I stayed mostly in the house lying or sitting. He happily said, "Pasta is my favorite food. Pizza is the second favorite. "

When the family first asked for medical help in 2010, the doctors refused to perform surgery on Mihir because he was too young.The doctors had to deal with Various challenges when they have decided to perform gastric bypass surgery Administering anesthesia on an obese person is a difficult task because the fat present in the tongue, throat and neck restricts l? space needed to insert a tube into the lungs Dr. Chowbey said: "In addition, there are no guidelines on the dosage of anesthesia for a person weighing 200 kg. Our doctors relied on their experience to decide the right amount of anesthesia. "In the case of Mihir, special flexible equipment known as a laryngoscope was used to cope with the difficult physical condition.The doctors had to use long, easy-to-operate surgical instruments to operate under 10-12 inches. of fat in the patient's body.

The operation lasted nearly two and a half hours because the doctors had to route the digestive system so that the patient's hunger was satiated after less food. "The Surgery it went off without incident and we were able to release Mihir in a week. He comes to the hospital for follow-up though. In addition, he was asked to continue the restrictive diet, "said Dr. Chowbey

. The crisis had taught Mihir's mother the importance of being physically active and taking care of her health by avoiding junk food. She said, "Now I tell my daughter, Nandini, to eat wisely."

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