Dem Congressman Among Anti-Trump Protesters Arrested Inside Capitol Building


Pramila Jayapal, a Democratic representative from Washington, is one of more than 500 protesters arrested Thursday in a Capitol building while they were protesting President Trump's illegal immigration policies.

The protest, which included hundreds of protesters, unfolded Hart Senate Bureau. The protesters called for the abolition of the US Immigration and Customs Agency and were heard scandalizing "the abolition of the ICE".

Eva Malecki, spokeswoman of the US Capitol police were accused of illegally demonstrating in the building's atrium.

"I have been arrested with more than 500 women and @WomensMarch to say that RealDonaldTrump's zero tolerance policy will not continue, not in our country, not in our name. On June 30, we go back to the street, "tweeted Jayapal

It is rare for the Capitol police to arrest a member on Capitol Hill and the protesters were arrested for demonstrating inside. of the building. The police said the demonstrators could have protested outside, but were arrested for being inside.


The protest, which included 100 protesters and perhaps as many policemen, ok place in the Hart Senate office building.

[Fox Bogan] Fox News

New York Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand also appeared at the protest, calling it "an astonishing protest of women who express themselves to be heard."

"People across my state of New York, all over the country are furious with this administration's policy to separate children from their parents," said Gillibrand.

After an outcry over the separation of parents and children at the border, Trump last week signed a decree authorizing children to stay with parents caught crossing the border illegally.

At one point, protesters and police officers were seen fighting over the signs in the building. The Capitol police were seen trying to tear down the "ICE" signs from the balconies, but the protesters were still trying to pick them up and hang them up.

Fox News Raymond Bogan, Chad Pergram and Brenton Roy at this report.

Alex Pappas is a political reporter at Follow him on Twitter at @AlexPappas.

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