Demaryius Thomas, Texans: early Sunday


Thomas will start Sunday against the Broncos, reports Aaron Wilson of the Houston Chronicle.

The week was tumultuous for Thomas, who was traded to the Texans by the Broncos on Tuesday, before taking an intensive course in his new team's playbook. Physically, Thomas is able to play a complete panoply of clichés, but the question is how much game book has been kept. Fortunately, he played with former Denver coach Josh McDaniels using a system similar to that of Texans head coach, Bill O. Brien, who worked with McDaniels in New England . "I notice some formulations, some formations," said Thomas. "It helps me a lot." Expectations should be moderate for his first week in a Houston uniform, especially against a defense that has been effective in defending the pass. However, as Thomas deepens his knowledge of the game book, encourages chemistry with quarterback Deshaun Watson and plays against DeAndre Hopkins, his double teammate, Thomas could start producing as the four-time choice that he's at the Pro Bowl.

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