Democrat Andrew Gillum On The Trail For The Florida Governor After Hurricane Break


ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum Hurricane Michael, while Republican Ron DeSantis continued to focus on his country.

"Listen, I must be the only person with a job! It is noon! "Gillum laughed as he surveyed the crowd packed into a music auditorium at St. Petersburg College. "I do not know about y'all, but I'm ready to win!"

Gillum is the first African-American major party nominee for Florida governor, and his unabashedly liberal positions on health care, criminal justice reform and the environment, combined with his ability to engage an audience, made him a favorite of national progressive groups years ago.

On Friday, his newfound star power drew many hundreds to wait for his hourlong appearance. The auditorium could only accommodate 300, and hundreds were turned away.

"Too small. It's way too small, "said Barbara Kincaide, 57." I wish they had a bigger place. "

Amie Marion, 37, who are very excited about this issue, said Democrats were so excited about the election that Gillum has taken it to a new level. "I do not think you can call it hopeful anymore. They are tired. People want change. "

Gillum's advertised topic was Florida's resilience, forged by hurricanes, but it used to be a springboard to run through its various policy positions, particularly the warming of the planet and the associated sea-level rise. "He said, mocking the attitude taken by many Republicans, including current Florida Gov. Rick Scott, to answer any question about climate change by pointing out that they are not scientists.

"Well, guess what?" Gillum said. "I'm not a doctor, either. But when I'm sick, I'm going to see one. "

Hurricane Michael struck the panhandle coast at Mexico Beach, at a time of the day, with a small hurricane strength.

It's about 100 miles west of the capital – far enough that it's nearly 90 percent of its residents lost power. Gillum appeared on the national road to Tallahassee.

DeSantis, having served as the most representative of the world, in the form of the suburbs of Jacksonville, resigned in the weeks before the hurricane struck to focus on the governor. As a result, he had no official responsibility for the storm and its aftermath and continued his lower-key, base-heavy campaign.

It's an approach to President Donald Trump, who has endorsed him. While his Republican primary opponent, Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, has a favorite establishment party, built a traditional grassroots campaign of supporters across the state, DeSantis largely remained in Washington, DC, making frequent appearances on Fox News to defend Trump and attack Democrats on national issues .

Trump, but it's proving to have a tough time in the world Trump Democrats and independents Trump – often intensely.

Gillum on Friday reminded his audience of DeSantis' ties to Trump, as he warned that DeSantis is likely to ramp up his attacks on Gillum in the final two weeks of the race. "He's going to call me a socialist," Gillum said. "He's going to call me corrupt."

The previous night, speaking to a Duval County Republicans' dinner in Jacksonville, DeSantis did exactly that. "Are you a socialist or are you for free enterprise? I will say for free enterprise, "DeSantis told the 350 or so Republicans seated at tables set on a covered-over hockey arena. "I am only one who can credibly say I am not under FBI investigation."

Gillum has been dogged for a year by a federal probe into his city government. Among the records investigators have gathered and have a long time friend and supporter of Gillum. No one has been in charge of the investigation, and Gillum has told the FBI he is not a target.

DeSantis also accused Gillum of being too criminal on the subject of crime and having a prison sentence.

"Andrew has failed to keep Tallahassee safe. It is an absolute disaster, "DeSantis said. "You are basically begging for a crime spree."

DeSantis and Gillum are scheduled to face each other in their first debate Sunday evening, just 16 days before Election Day.

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