Democrat Krysten Sinema beats Martha McSally in a crucial race in the Senate


reDemocratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema beat Republican Rep. Martha McSally in the last election ballot in Arizona.

Sinema is up from 47% to 44% in the latest CBS News Battleground Tracker survey results on Sunday, in the margin of error. A New York Times poll last Saturday showed McSally an increase of 2 percentage points.

The tightening in Arizona comes as other important Senate races remain closed in the country just nine days before the mid-term elections of 2018, during which Democrats hope to get the House, the Senate or both, well. that the latter seems less and less likely.

Sen. Joe Donnelly of Indiana is 3 points behind Republican challenger Mike Braun, while Democratic Senator Bill Nelson and Florida Governor Rick Scott are tied, according to CBS News.

The CBS polls also revealed that health care remained a priority policy issue among voters, with participants overwhelmingly in favor of Democrats versus Republicans as a party that will continue to require insurers they cover people with pre-existing conditions.

The popular Obamacare provision has become a key topic of debate in the run-up to the mid-term elections. Republicans are increasingly vocal in their support, even though they have voted several times in favor of a broader repeal of the health law. Meanwhile, the Democrats are campaigning on Obamacare after struggling for years to defend it as monthly premiums soared and insurers left the states completely.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Said the Republicans could again try to repeal the law if the party retains control of Congress.

The poll, conducted on behalf of CBS News by YouGov from October 23 to 26, has a margin of error of 4.1 percentage points in Arizona, 3.7 in Indiana and 4 in Florida.

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