Democratic legislator: Restaurant should have been used & # 39; Sanders


Representative Elijah Cummings is photographed. | Getty Images

"This tone is horrible, but again, I think the president [Donald] Trump created this. ", Said the representative Elijah Cummings (D-Md.). | Mark Wilson / Getty Images

Democratic representative Elijah Cummings said Sunday that the owner of the restaurant in Virginia, who asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders, press secretary of the White House, to leave this weekend should have served her instead.

"I think that in terms of the incident at the restaurant, I think the restaurant owner should have served her," said Cummings, a member of the House's oversight committee. "I really do, but this tone is horrible, but again, I think the president [Donald] Trump created this. "

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On Saturday, Sanders said the owner of The Red Hen, a restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, told him Friday night "to leave because I was working for @POTUS and I left politely."

"Her actions tell a lot more about her than me," Sanders tweeted. "I always do my best to treat people, including those with whom I do not agree, respectfully and I will continue to do so."

Stephanie Wilkinson, who is co-owner of the restaurant, told the Washington Post Saturday that she believed Sanders was working for an "inhumane and unethical" administration.

"I'm not a big fan of confrontation," Wilkinson told the Post. "I have a business and I want the business to be successful – it's like the moment of our democracy where people have to take uncomfortable steps and make decisions to defend their morals."

During his Sunday appearance on CBS's "Face the Nation," Cummings blamed the president when he was asked about "the tone or lack of civility right now."

"Since he's become president – even before – he has basically allowed people to state things that are ugly and these things turn into actions, as we can see now," said the Democrat. from Maryland. "But we have to get by, and we need to focus on what's important right now."

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