Democrats are getting closer to Republicans in fundraising for key races


WASHINGTON – Democratic candidates surpass their Republican rivals' fundraising efforts at major congressional races, but massive Conservative controls have ensured their team remains financially competitive in the coming weeks.

In an election season that is likely to break mid-term fundraising records, Democrats have raised their Republican opponents in 32 of the 45 closest home races, with a total margin of $ 154 to $ 108 million since November. 2016, according to an analysis of the reports tabled on Monday. with the Federal Election Commission. Even in the 13 targeted races in which the Republicans dominated their Democratic rivals, the margin was $ 41 to $ 31 million.

The unbridled fund-raising campaign of the democratic campaign, fueled largely by donors who pay small sums online, has boosted the confidence of party leaders. They believe that the financial advantage will give them the resources they need to fill the deficit of enthusiasm and capitalize on President Trump's enmity before election day.

To get a majority in the House of Representatives, Democrats must overthrow at least 23 seats currently held by Republicans. For the Democrats to take control of the Senate, a more difficult task, they will have to defend 26 seats – including 10 in states won by President Trump in 2016 – and overthrow two of the five Republican seats considered candidates.

"You do not buy your way to the office, but this money makes the win possible in scenarios where it might not have been otherwise," said Bob Biersack, a campaign finance expert who previously worked at the electoral commission. He predicted that the period covered in the reports tabled on Monday – from the beginning of July to the end of September – "will probably be the largest quarter in the history of midterms", fueled, he said, by modest donations. Democrats.

Democratic campaigns use their resources to fund the voting efforts and aggressive advertising campaigns linking Republican rivals to Trump and his more controversial statements and positions, including his appointment and the fierce defense of Supreme Court Justice Brett M Kavanaugh.

In a district of western New Jersey considered a panic by policymakers, Democratic challenger Tom Malinowski aired ads assailing incumbent Republican President Leonard Lance. question the charges of sexual assault brought against Judge Kavanaugh.

Malinowski, former deputy secretary to President Barack Obama, outperformed Lance, who has held the post since 2009 and is considered a moderate, between $ 5.5 and $ 2.1 million, according to reports. the documents tabled on Monday.

Senator Claire McCaskill, the Democrat in Missouri, raised $ 30.1 million, compared to $ 8.5 million raised by Republican opposition leader, state attorney general Josh Hawley.

But Republicans have had their strengths in campaign fundraising. In a tight home race in northwestern Pennsylvania, Republican MP Mike Kelly more than doubled the fundraiser of his Democratic rival, Ron DiNicola, from 2.3 to 1.1 million. dollars.

And Republicans in two of the most contentious Senate races have invested huge sums of money to create benefits; Governor Rick Scott of Florida provided 71% of the $ 55 million his campaign took, while Bob Hugin of New Jersey lent him nearly all of the $ 26 million she raised.

Republicans also rely heavily on wealthy supporters to fill the campaign fundraising gap in other races by making huge donations to independent groups, including non-profit organizations and super CAP. These organizations can accept unlimited contributions, while donations to federal campaigns are capped at $ 5,400 per election cycle.

Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson and his wife Miriam donated $ 10 million each last month to the Congressional Leadership Fund, a super PAC dedicated to helping Republicans with home errands, according to the newspaper. deposits submitted on Monday. This brings their total to $ 50 million this year, nearly half of its $ 115 million transported.

The records show that the couple also donated $ 10 million each month to a super PAC supporting Congressional candidates aligned with Mr. Trump, and $ 25 million to a super PAC to help candidates in the Senate of Canada. party – with other presumed candidates – making them by far the biggest donors of the cycle.

Super Republican PACs, such as the Congressional Leadership Fund, use money to counterbalance the democratic benefits of fundraising by spending money for voter mobilization and for others. tasks traditionally handled by campaigns. majority of their money.

Haeyoun Park and Annie Daniel contributed to the research.

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