Democrats debate: Pelosi for the President of the House or time for change?


Rep. The crushing defeat of Joe Crowley against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28, a progressive candidate and first candidate, took place Tuesday not only in democratic circles in New York, but in the corridors of the Capitol: Crowley hoped to succeed Nancy, leader of the minority. Pelosi, raising new questions about the future of the Democratic Party.

  PHOTO: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez celebrates with her supporters at a victory party in the Bronx after overthrowing outgoing Democratic representative Joseph Crowly on June 26, 2018, in New York. Scott Heins / Getty Images
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez celebrates with her supporters at a Victory Day in the Bronx after upsetting outgoing Democratic Representative Joseph Crowly on June 26, 2018, in New York.

"We are in a transitional moment," said Missouri Democrat representative Emmanuel Cleaver, former president of the Congressional Black Caucus, at ABC News.

Crowley, the leader of the Queens Democratic Party and the fourth Democrat in the House of Representatives, was quietly positioned to replace Pelosi as a Democrat in the House after the November mid-term elections.

  Rep. Joe Crowley, the fourth-highest Democrat in the House of Representatives, was defeated on June 26, 2018 in a New York Democratic primary by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old political newcomer. Ronald Lopez via ZUMA Wire [19659004] Dem. Joe Crowley, the fourth-highest Democrat in the House of Representatives, was defeated on June 26, 2018 in a New York Democratic primary by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old freshman.

But even before the overthrow of Crowley, Pelosi, the only speaker and politician in American history, sought to recover the hammer if the Democrats succeeded in overturning 24 seats in the House and regaining the majority from the room.

"We're going to win, I'm going to run for president, I'm confident," Pelosi recently told the Boston Globe.

Yet Crowley's loss, acknowledged Democratic members, added to calls from some corners of the party that the caucus needs a new generation of leadership.

"I have nothing against Nancy," said MP Bill Pascrell, D-N.J. "I think it's time to change, win or lose in November – she's not the only person."

Even if a blue wave brings Democrats back to the majority, Pelosi's return to the presidency is not a slam dunk. Although she remains the favorite, it is unclear whether she will get 218 votes in the caucus leadership elections after the mid-term this fall – which could lead to a new wave of Democrats in Washington.

Several Democrats, some of whom spoke to ABC News on condition of anonymity in order to speak frankly, believe that overthrowing 24 seats may not be enough to ensure Pelosi's return to the presidency.

"Those of us who can count, if we take 24 seats, Pelosi is not a leader; 29 seats, not the leader; 34 seats, not a leader," said a Democrat of the House, showing several Democrats who have already reported that they will not vote for Pelosi.

Four incumbent Democrats voted against Pelosi as Minority Leader at the beginning of the 115th Congress. Rep. Conor Lamb, who won a special mid-term election, also promised during his campaign to vote against Pelosi, as did Ocasio-Cortez.

If the Democrats succeed, it is thought that the Democrats should move closer to 40 seats so that Pelosi can keep his position at the caucus summit.

  PHOTO: Steny Hoyer, Speaker of the House of Democrats, arrives at the Capitol on June 15, 2018. Bill Clark / CQ Roll / Newscom
Steny Hoyer, Speaker of the House of Democrats conference June 15, 2018.

Steny Hoyer, the No. 2 Democrat in the House of Representatives, Will Aspire to Become the Best Democrat in the House, Should Pelosi Fail to Get the Support She Needs . President.

Although he is 79 years old, Hoyer enjoys broad support within the caucus and spends a lot of time campaigning and raising money for other Democrats.

Pelosi and Hoyer do not rely on the same support base within the caucus, so neither of them necessarily depends on the other.

Rep. James Clyburn, the third Democrat in the House of Commons and a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, completes the highest level of current Democratic leadership – all by the end of the decade.

Crowley was a popular choice for many House Democrats as the best option for moving Pelosi.

If the Democrats fail in November and remain in the minority, Pelosi will certainly not return to the leadership team, and Hoyer's hold on his base could also erode, while that will not happen. a younger generation of Democrats climb the ladder on Capitol Hill.

A loss in November "would open a free-for-all," a Democrat told ABC News.

"If one of the top three goes, they all go in. They are in their top 70s and it 's time to let someone else do it," said the Democrat.

A source familiar with Hoyer's thinking says that his ambition is not to hang on until Pelosi ends up retiring.

"It's not driven by the ego or does not want to be the # 1," the source said. "He wants the institution of Congress to be strong, that the party is strong and in a good position."

Hoyer is also expected to be ready to serve as a bridge to the next generation of Democratic leaders in the House – a position that could allow him to reach an agreement with younger members that would propel him to the caucus summit, according to the results. mid-term.

Representatives. Cedric Richmond, Hakeem Jeffries and Cheri Bustos – all rising stars in the Democratic caucus – are expected to be major promotions – especially if Democrats remain in the minority and the current leadership team is shattered.

"Our goal should continue to be surgically on the return of the majority in November and the last thing we, the Democrats of the House should engage in a family feud and a firing squad circular, "Jeffries, DN.Y. says ABC. "In November, after the elections, we will have ample time to reflect on the future of the democratic caucus of the House."

"I think there are so many assumptions about what could happen, so many scenarios," said Bustos, D-Ill., Who called on Democrats to refocus their message on the Midwest. "Our goal must be to do well in November."

Cleaver told ABC News that Democrats should "stop shooting here talking about leadership" and focus on winning in November.

"We had a lot of articles in and around Washington on Crowley versus Pelosi, Pelosi versus Hoyer," he said.

  PHOTO: Representative Barbara Lee participates in a press conference on the reform of medical research on cannabis, April 26, 2018. Bill Clark / CQ Roll Call / Getty Images
Dem. Barbara Lee participates in a press conference on the reform of medical research on cannabis, April 26, 2018.

After Crowley's main defeat, Barbara Lee, former president of the Congressional Black Caucus, told reporters that She was engaged in discussions with legislators. to evaluate the support.

"I'm talking to members right now," said Lee, D-Calif. This is the only position open in the caucus and I think I could bring a lot to the caucus. "

Rep. Linda Sanchez, the vice-chair of the Democratic caucus, is also suspected of assessing the support of the caucus chair, although her spokeswoman declined to comment on her leadership ambitions. Last October, Sanchez surprised the highest level of Democratic leaders when she said that it was time for all three to step down.

"I think we have the full range of talent in our caucus and I think it's time to pass the torch to a new generation of leaders and I want to be part of that transition," Sanchez , D -Calif., Told C-SPAN on October 5th. "I think we have here too many good members who do not always have the opportunities they should have, I would like to see this change."

Other lawmakers who could enter the leadership team are Democrat MP Adam Schiff, who created a national profile as the main protagonist of President Donald Trump, as well as representative Pete Aguilar, a California Democrat who played a leading role in the debate on immigration at Capitol Hill.

Nevertheless, the simple reality is Pelosi – one of the party's most prolific fundraisers – has ruled as a Democrat in the House since 2003 because no one else has been able to defeat her.

"Chief Pelosi is a master legislator and nobody counts better than Nancy Pelosi," Jeffries said.

Asked Wednesday whether the Ocasio-Cortez victory indicated that Democrats could use a change in leadership, with a more progressive, younger and diverse option, Pelosi held his ground.

"I'm a woman, I'm progressive," she said. "So what's your problem? Two out of three is not bad."

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