Democrats divided after the defeat of Rep. Crowley


Deputy Minority Leader James Clyburn of South Carolina, the third Democrat in the House, suggested that the problem was more specific to Cowley himself. "Joe is a great guy, but I do not think he's been paying enough attention to those voters at home," said Clyburn.

But on the left, the takeaway could not have been more different.

Ezra Levin, the co-founder of the Indivisible Project, which came into existence after the election of President Donald Trump, hailed the dawn of a "new political era".

"The rusty and reluctant political establishment will wake up or be woken up," said Levin

Less than a year ago, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was holding the helm. But on Tuesday, former campaign organizer Bernie Sanders killed a giant. Crowley was not only a 20-year veteran of Congress, but the Democratic Party chairman in Queens and, until Tuesday, an apparent heir apparent to Pelosi.

In the 14th district of New York City's highly Democratic Congress, Ocasio-Cortez ran half of the district is Hispanic, and many agreed that the young Latina looks more like the diverse band of the Bronx and Queens than the other. to the left of Crowley. as Crowley, a white man of middle age. Women, on the other hand, have disproportionately won the Democratic primaries this year.

"I suspect that if you are a man running against a woman in an elementary school, you might be scared," said John Yarmuth, D-Ky.

Howard Dean, the former Vermont governor and chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said the issue was generational, not ideological, warning the old party guard to monitor his return.

"If you do not voluntarily transfer power," he was shocked because Joe was leading the country's best political machine, "said Dean." But the fact that a younger person has defeated a person old is not shocking, it's the way of the world, it lasts from the beginning of the planet. "

The most direct impact of Crowley's loss will be on a succession plan for the House Democrats, who have been led for years by a trio of seventies, despite scolding younger members.

"This creates a challenge in terms of future leadership in the House," Senator Chris Coons , D-Del., Said on MSNBC. "But I think it's also an opportunity, it's a reminder of how much energy there is out there How many people want to go out and become engaged and involved. "

Crowley, 56, is younger than Pelosi (78), Steny Hoyer (79) and Clybur Minority Whip n (77), and was considered the consensus choice for the best job if the Democrats win the House in November.

Increasing numbers of Democrat candidates said they would not vote For Pelosi, she held power more tenuous than ever during her long career.

Meanwhile, the party leadership bench was already starting to dwindle before Crowley's loss. Potential leaders seemed to have enough to expect and embarked on other activities, such as Chris Van Hollen, Senate candidate in 2016, and Xavier Becerra, who became Attorney General of California the year. last.

Progressive insurgents have lost more primaries than they won this year, but those who participate in future competitions feel encouraged by the victory of Ocasio-Cortez

" His campaign has been dynamic, and inspiring, and it's more than an election, "said Ayanna Pressley, who is challenging a long-time Massachusetts House Leader at the elementary level. Democrat in September. "Voters demand more than a reliable vote – they demand committed and activist leadership."

Cynthia Nixon, the actress running against Governor Andrew Cuomo in New York, said that Crowley's defeat was a sign of what would happen in his own democratic primary in September, although the polls are currently lagging behind.

Meanwhile, in another sign of how the winds in the party blow, the candidates in the 2020 presidential elections align quickly with Ocasio-Cortez, whether they supported it or not.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, DN.Y., congratulated Ocasio-Cortez for " making history ", although she did not even consider endorsing in the race , according to Ocasio-Cortez.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Also praised the victory of his former campaign employee, although he, too, stayed away from elementary school.

Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., Warned that Democrats must remain united to win in November and not take a "blue wave" for granted.

"I think we all share the same values ​​and we need to understand how we" I'm going to get there, "she told reporters," We're not going to get it divided. "[19659023] [ad_2]
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