Democrats explode FBI report Kavanaugh


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Democrats on Thursday criticized the FBI's investigation into charges of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh, describing the act as "sham" and "horrible camouflage".

Lawmakers spoke after accessing the report in a secure facility, claiming the investigation was limited in scope and incomplete and claiming that the White House had directed the FBI's investigation, leaving large witnesses to the list of interviews.

"The whole thing is fictitious – five days to conduct the investigation," said Senator Tim Kaine, D-Va.

Kaine noted that many witnesses who may have relevant information about the allegations have not been interviewed. He quoted Deborah Ramirez, who accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct while they were students at Yale; any corroborating witnesses were not interviewed.

"And so, here's what they do." There is now a report – one copy – only one copy is available at the SCIF in the Senate, "he said, referring to a safe place where legislators can read the report. report for a limited period. "So they do not want 100 senators to read it, I'm not allowed to discuss it, the public can not see it, it's a complete sham."

Senator Robert Menendez, D-N.J., Had even harsher words.

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