Democrats: Kavanaugh's confirmation sends "terrible message" to women


Democrats said Saturday that they hoped that survivors of sexual assault would not remain silent after the battle for confirmation of the Supreme Court – and blamed Republicans for sending the wrong message. confirming the arrival of new Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

They also praised Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who submitted 36-year-old aggression allegations.

"His testimony was extremely courageous and I felt [it was] extremely credible and credible and it stands as such. This has never been refuted by anyone, "said Senator Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat.

In fact, Ms. Blasey Ford's account was rejected by three people who she said were at the party where she was assaulted. There has been no contemporary evidence or witness to back up his story.

But his convincing testimony last month has become a touchstone for victims of aggression.

One of Ms. Blasey Ford's lawyers, Debra Katz, watched Saturday's confirmation vote by the public gallery.

She and the other lawyers on the team complained about the Senate's handling of the allegation and the speed of the FBI's investigation. Officers found no corroboration, although Blasey Ford's team said they did not talk to enough people.

Senator Patrick Leahy, Democrat of Vermont, appeared before the Senate for Anita Hill's testimony against Justice Clarence Thomas about sexual harassment in the early 1990s, and said that the treatment of the latter allegations shows that few things have changed.

"It sends a terrible message, amplified by the words of Donald Trump and his statements that despise women, trying to shame them. Have not they learned anything? Said Leahy to the press.

Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski, the only Republican to oppose the bid, said on Friday that she feared lawmakers would not do enough for survivors of sexual assault.

"I hope we have all learned something and that we need to help victims of sexual assault to do more, to do better and to do it with them," she said.

Sen. Susan Collins, Maine Republican, who reversed the trend toward confirmation, criticized critics who said Kavanaugh JA should be dismissed, so the Senate does not tolerate sexual assault.

"Nothing could be further from the truth: Anyone, male or female, who is charged with sexual assault deserves to be heard and treated with respect, and the movement Me too is real. It's needed, and it's long overdue, "Collins said.

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