Democrats who oppose the Kavanaugh investiture attempt to "burn our future"


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WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump said Monday night that Democrats opposed Brett Kavanaugh, a Supreme Court candidate, were trying to "burn our future."

"This election is a choice between a Republican Party that builds our future and a Democratic Party that is trying to burn our future," he told the crowd at a rally for the election campaign in Johnson City, in Tennessee. how to obstruct, demolish and destroy, as we have seen in recent weeks – Democrats are willing to do anything and hurt anyone to get out of it, as they do with Judge Kavanaugh . "

"They are trying to destroy him since the first second of his appointment, because they know that Judge Kavanaugh will respect the Constitution as it is written," he added.

Earlier on Monday, Trump told a press conference at Rose Garden that the Democrats had treated Kavanaugh "so cruelly and violently." He also stated that he had seen an unnamed Senate Democrat in a "compromising" situation of alcohol abuse.

At the Rose Garden event, Trump said his administration would not limit the scope of the FBI's investigation into allegations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh. "The F.B.I. should question anyone what they want to the extent of the reasonable, but you must say "to the extent of the reasonable," said Trump.

Informed officials confirmed to NBC News that the White House – which initially limited the investigation – had authorized the FBI to question witnesses they deemed necessary, provided their review was completed by the end of the week.

Addressing the crowd to Johnson City, Trump took pictures of his potential rivals for 2020, calling on Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., "Pocahontas," claiming he could defeat him. Former Vice President Joe Biden of a punch and look at what Senator Cory Booker, DN.J, "wrote when he was young on women! Look, agree?

Accompanied by supporters carrying placards stating "Finish the Wall", the president has boasted "to be able to build this thing in one year". Morristown, Tennessee, 60 km west of the place where Trump spoke to Johnson City some of the biggest ICE raids of the Trump administration.

Trump also paid tribute to President Andrew Jackson, a Tennessean, calling him a "grand president." Notably after the Obama administration agreed to replace the controversial former president of the $ 20 bill by the abolitionist Harriet Tubman, Trump and his advisers notably gave the go-ahead to the populist 19th century.

Trump was in Johnson City to campaign for Marsha Blackburn's representative, R-Tenn., Stuck in a competitive race with Democrat Phil Bredesen to take over Senator Bob Corker's Senate seat, which is retiring. A recent NBC / Marist poll suggested that Bredesen, a former governor, drove Blackburn on 48 to 44 out of registered voters – within the margin of error of the poll. The Cook political report believes the Tennessee Senate seat is a "coup de théâtre".

Blackburn, the first woman in state history to win the Republican nomination to the US Senate, and Bredesen, Democrat in Trump State, have a nice course of action when it comes to Kavanaugh. Blackburn does not want to risk alienating the voters, while Bredesen does not want to risk losing cross-voters in a state that supported Trump in 2016.

"On one side, Kavanaugh places national politics more at the forefront of minds' concerns, which is better for Blackburn, Bredesen trying to stay focused on national divisions," said Josh Clinton, a professor of political science at Vanderbilt University. "On the other hand, state level Democrats could be excited about this confirmation. But in a red state like Tennessee, we do not know if that will help. "

The Trump rally in Tennessee was his second stop in three days. He plans to hold at least three more rallies over the next five days, alongside GOP candidates in the provinces of Mississippi, Minnesota and Kansas.

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