Democrats won the popular vote in the House by the biggest margin at the halfway point since Watergate


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By Allan Smith

Since the Watergate scandal, Democrats have not achieved such a large margin of victory in mid-term home runs, showed data from NBC News.

While the votes continue to be counted more than two weeks after polling day, Democrats have a lead of over 8.6 million votes on the popular Republican vote in the House.

It's the biggest total victory in the mid-session of an election in the House since Democrats beat Republicans by more than 8.7 million votes in 1974, just months after the resignation of President Richard Nixon.

And the number continues to increase little by little.

Wednesday at noon, candidates for the House of Democrats had won 58,990,609 votes, against 50,304,975 for their counterparts Republicans. That means that, until now, Democrats got 53.1% of the vote, compared to 45.2% for Republicans.

Democrats currently have a 234 to 199 advantage over Republicans in the new House, which will begin in January, according to NBC News. NBC News has not yet called two races: the 7th Congressional District of Georgia and the 4th Congressional District of Utah.

Until now, Democrats have a net gain of nearly 40 seats in the House.

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