CHICAGO – Police beat protesters Saturday night in the country's third largest city, a few hours after a Chicago police officer shot down a South Side man from the city.

Police officers were hit by rocks and bottles as dozens of protesters gathered near the crime scene on Saturday, police said. Four protesters were arrested on Saturday night as police cleaned up the crime scene, police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said. Fred Waller, head of the department's patrol division, said three or four policemen had been injured.

The charges against the protesters are unclear immediately.

A video posted on social networks seems to show the scene. The protesters chanted "assassins" and "no justice, no peace" to the agents.

Police said in a statement that the deadly shootout occurred when officers walk into the South Shore neighborhood have attempted To interview a man "who has the characteristics of an armed person," Waller added that agents posted in the area spotted a bulge in the pants of the man they suspected were a weapon.

No police officers were injured. with the alleged shooter. A weapon was found on the scene.

"When they approached him, he tried to push back their hands, started shaking and swinging, trying to escape, and he tried to get out of his way. escape ", said Waller

The officer who shot the suspect will be placed on duty for the next 30 days, standard procedure for the department of more than 12,000 officers, while the civilian police office

A clash erupted later in the shooting scene between demonstrators chanting slogans and policemen holding batons.The video showed several policemen and protesters jostling each other. [19659008AfterdarkprotesterscontinuedtowalkaroundtheareawiththepolicechasingthemfromtimetotimeandprotestersshoutedinsultsatthepoliceandthrewbottlesatthemthrowntothegroundPoliceofficersholdingbatons

Waller says protesters have also caused damage to police cars

at an angry mob assembled at the scene of a police shootout at Chicago, Saturday, July 14, 2018. (Photo: Nuccio DiNuzzo / AP)

Chicago has a turbulent history of police shootings and police misconduct.

The city experienced weeks of peaceful demonstrations in 2015 after the release of a video showing white policeman Jason Van Dyke firing 16 times at Laquan McDonald, 16, in 2014. Van Dyke was accused of murder. McDonald's death led to the ouster of the police chief and a series of reforms to prevent police abuse and hold police officers accountable for the excesses

Van Dyke is awaiting trial. almost 10 times more force in incidents involving black suspects than against white suspects. Between January 2011 and April 2016, 80% of all firearms used by police and 81% of stun guns used by stun guns were used by African Americans. According to a recent report from the Action Center on Race and the Economy, Chicago has also spent about $ 709 million to settle police misconduct cases.

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