Dems on defensive, for money into New Jersey Senate race


The sudden closing of the New Jersey Senate is the latest sign of the election of the President of the United States.

While Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., Still holds a 6.5-point advantage in the RealClearPolitics polling average, the last two polls have him up just 5 points over Republican challenger Bob Hugin. Menendez is below 50 percent, a crucial threshold for an incumbent, in the most recent one. The nonpartisan Cook Political Report -shifted the race to "toss-up" on Friday.

"Republican strategist Mike DuHaime, who advised to form Republican Gov." The question has always been made or not enough New Jerseyans can vote for a Republican in Trump's first midterm Chris Christie. "We have not won a U.S. Senate race here in 46 years, so is it possible to break that streak when the political headwinds are historically so strong?"

Like Texas for the Democrats, New Jersey has been a tease for Republicans before. GOP nominee Doug Forrester is looking forward to be democratically and democratically challenged. Robert Torricelli, until Democrats plucked Sen. Frank Lautenberg out of retirement. Forrester remained competitive and lost by 10 points.

Then, in late October 2004, there was a poll President George W. Bush in a dead heat with Democratic challenger John Kerry in New Jersey, buoyed by his post-9/11 leadership. Bush did receive a bounce, especially in the New York City suburbs, but Kerry kept the Garden State blue with just under 53 percent of the vote to Bush's 46 percent.

A few polls even showed Trump closing in single digits in New Jersey in the final weeks of his 2016 campaign against Hillary Clinton. Clinton ended up winning by 12.8 points.

Unlike Texas Democrats, however, Republicans do occasionally break through New Jersey. Christie and Christine Todd Whitman were both two-term governors. There have been GOP majorities in the state legislature. Hugin has been looking at Menendez's ethics and past legal problems.

"Regardless of the result in New Jersey, Menendez Against Hugin's spending is helping Republicans retain the majority," said DuHaime. "Any dollar spent here defended a seat in a safe blue state is a less than dollar defending embattled Democrat incumbents in places like Missouri, North Dakota, Missouri, and Indiana."

Democrats face a tough path in the Senate despite favorable political conditions because they are defeated so many more seats than the Republicans and have 10 incumbents seeking re-election in states. .

The super PAC affiliated with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., Has more than enough money in North Dakota, West Virginia, and Montana. Senate Majority PAC is reportedly planning to sink another $ 2.8 million into the Menendez race.

"We'd be better off with a different candidate [than Menendez], but this is where we are, "conceded a Democratic operative who requested anonymity to speak candidly. "We'll still pull it out, it's just harder than it has to be."

After having been acquitted on some charges, the Justice Department dropped its corruption case against Menendez earlier this year. Men and Democracy, especially Democrats, who left him for the first time: "To those who were digging my political seriousness, they could jump into my seat, I know who you are and I will not forget you. "

"Hugin has tried to make the race a referendum on Menendez," DuHaime said. "Menendez has tried to make the race a referendum on Trump. It is a tight race. Hugin has been very aggressive. He is spending your money and campaigning in areas that traditionally vote heavily. "

We'll find out which strategy is right next Tuesday.

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