Dems To Go & # 39; All-In & # 39; on Russia, dismiss Kavanaugh


Judicial Commission Representative Jerrold Nadler, DN.Y., revealed plans for Democrats in the House to investigate and charge Judge Brett Kavanaugh for presumption of perjury and to investigate and accuse President Donald Trump of collusion. betrayal with Russia.

In post-election discussions with various interlocutors during the Acela train trip from New York to Washington, Nadler gave advice to a newly elected representative and discussed with another potential candidate for the Democratic presidency in 2020. He also deplored the Identity politics and the flourishing economy and worried about the loss of working-class voters by the Democrats, while winning the elite Republicans and suburban women elite.

Nadler was traveling to Washington for a two-day planning session with his staff and court committee staff. "We need to determine what we are doing," he said in a phone call with a friend. Nadler has asked that this friend's name be concealed on the grounds that he is a private citizen.

The two men discussed two lines of inquiry into the new Supreme Court Justice, Mr. Kavanaugh. The first is to take him to the FBI for his way of conducting the investigation into unfounded allegations that he sexually assaulted women. "They did not even do a half-job," he said. "They did not interview 30 witnesses who said," Ask me! I have a lot to say! "He said while imitating people by waving his hand.

His other plan is to pick on Kavanaugh because "there is a real indication that Kavanaugh has committed perjury". He claimed that The Atlantic had published an article about the allegations of a third woman. He went on to say that when he was questioned before a commission under oath when he heard about it, he said, "When I heard about the Atlantic article." But apparently there is a chain much earlier than that. about him "How can we handle this?", Nadler told the caller.

Nadler was apparently discussing a slightly different assertion, since the demystification, that Kavanaugh has perjured himself by denying hearing the challenged New Yorker's allegation involving Deborah Ramirez until the story is published. . Whereas The New Yorker has included a Kavanaugh denial in his own controversial story, and asked about it just before it was published, and he acknowledged all this in his testimony in the Senate, it is unclear to what extent such a claim perjury would be fruitful.

When the appellant objected to the plan, Nadler replied: "This is not technical, it's real." He conceded that it was perhaps not a good plan, because even if Kavanaugh could be removed from office, he might not achieve the desired political results.

"In the worst case – or in the best case depending on your point of view – you prove that it is a perjury of a terrible subject and the Judicial Conference recommends you to remove him. So, the president names someone just as bad. "

When the appellant suggested continuing Kavanaugh quietly, Nadler explained, "You can not do it quietly because it will be said that the FBI or the committee will contact witnesses."

The interlocutor then suggested that the dismissal could still be worthwhile, as the president elected in 2020 could appoint someone else. Nadler said the problem was that any investigation would not take enough time to last until the presidential election. "There is a finite amount of witnesses. I do not see why it should take time, "he said. "We are not talking about a 30-year plan to get money from Russians via hidden sources – it takes time."

It was apparently a reference to Democratic beliefs in a dramatic and unsupported theory that Trump would have conspired with Russia to steal the 2016 presidential election. He promised that it would also be an avenue that Democrats could continue vigorously at the launch of the new Congress.

Nadler said the investigations in Russia would aim to make Trump "responsible", as it is a more acceptable argument than the indictment, that they would "At all", and much of what they would get would be "depending on [special counsel Robert] Mueller discovers. "Nevertheless, he stated that the Judiciary Committee would only play a supporting role to the representative. Adam Schiff and the Intelligence Committee, which has "a way ahead for that. "He nevertheless said that the judiciary" would have a role to play "in the investigations on Russia.

Nadler and his interlocutors discussed the presidential prospects for 2020, noting that Joe Biden would be hurt by efforts to sue Kavanaugh to the extent that it would reduce his role in Clarence Thomas's hearings. "The only relevance of Clarence Thomas's hearings is to return to victory over Joe Biden when he shows up for the presidency," Nadler said. You could hear a resounding laugh from the caller on the other end of the line. Other candidates have been fired for being "too conservative" or "too conservative on economic issues for the party" or "non-charismatic".

In another call, Nadler said the Republicans had done better than expected on election night due to the strength of the economy. He suggested that the economy was only helping the rich, not the other classes, and he feared that the changes to the economic boom would be attributed to the Democrats. He also complained that the new voters recruited to join the Democrats are liberal "Rockefeller Republicans" on social issues and that the new group makes Democrats more vulnerable to the accusation that they are not plus the workers party.

Nadler asked a newly elected Democrat to start thinking about committee tasks.

After the train ride, Nadler weighed on Twitter On the news of the resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, using the language of accountability: "Americans must have immediate answers to the reasoning behind @realDonaldTrump to remove Jeff Sessions from @JusticeDept. Why is the President making this change and who has authority over the investigation of Special Advocate Mueller? We will hold people accountable. "

In March 2017, however, Nadler called for the resignation of Sessions:

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