Dems. will ask $ 720 million for firefighting in California


By Erica Werner | Washington Post

WASHINGTON – The Senate's most democratic Senate credentials committee announced Monday that Democrats will be demanding $ 720 million to fight forest fires, due to California's huge fires that have killed more than two dozen people. people and destroys tens of thousands of homes.

Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont rejected President Donald Trump's criticism of fires for poor fire management in California and threatening to cut federal funding unless the alleged problems are resolved.

"You have firefighters risking their lives," Leahy said during a conference call. "For them to see a tweet saying that the US government will not support you, go on."

"That's why you can not create complex government with a tweet," Leahy said, adding that if Trump was asked to explain exactly what was wrong with California fire management, "I'm sure it would have no idea."

Trump said Saturday on Twitter: "There is no reason for these massive, deadly and expensive forest fires in California, except that forest management is so mediocre. Billions of dollars are given every year, with so many lives lost, all because of poor forest management. Remedy now, or more payments from the Fed!

The request for funding to help California fight the fires will come when the Congress will meet again this week for a lame session after the elections. The first of the projects on the agenda is the completion of mandatory spending bills to keep the government ahead of the December 7 deadline, when money for a handful of agencies – including the Department of Homeland Security – will be exhausted in the absence of Congress and Trump action. The money from forest fires would probably be attached to spending legislation.

Leahy said that additional disaster relief funding would be needed to provide for the ongoing recovery after a hurricane in Texas, Florida and elsewhere, including Puerto Rico. where Trump also criticized the government's reaction. The administration has not made a formal request for disaster funding in Congress, but Mr. Leahy said the Democrats would lobby for Congress to act anyway.

"I think it will take money for a number of natural disasters that have occurred across the country; it's not just about fires in California," Leahy said. "And what I would not accept is to have one face against another. The United States has disasters, we have to come together and face it as we would with a military or other threat. "

He said that the total amount in question was not clear, but that "it will be important" and that Democrats and Republican staff members were working to determine the amounts needed.

Leahy was asked about Trump 's desire to stop sending emergency help in case of disaster in Puerto Rico for the passage of Hurricane Maria. This information was first reported by Axios and confirmed by the Washington Post on Monday by a person familiar with the situation and having disclosed confidential proceedings on anonymous basis. .

"Puerto Rico, part of the United States. . . . It means more than throwing paper towels, "said Leahy, referring to Trump's behavior during her visit to Puerto Rico after the hurricane after throwing paper towels into the crowd.

"They are part of the United States and we must continue to help," he said.

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