Denmark invests in vaccination and information


The Danish Ministries of Health and Children have launched a new plan that they believe will strengthen the country's immunization program.

The proposal aims to provide more children with the recommended number of vaccines and to offer young boys free HPV vaccines, as well as more effective vaccines against influenza for at-risk groups, said the Ministry of Health. Health and Seniors in a statement released Thursday on its website.

The proposed vaccination plan will provide more robust protection against influenza and will offer 12-year-old boys the HPV vaccine on the same terms as girls, the ministry said.

"When we parents vaccinate our children, we probably do it first and foremost to protect every child. At the same time, we help prevent serious infectious diseases from spreading as epidemics among the population and reaching people too small or too weak to be vaccinated themselves, "said the minister. of Health, Ellen Trane Nørby, in a press release.

"We do not do it for fun – vaccines save lives every year," Nørby added.

One of the elements of the program is a training program allowing nurses to act as "ambassadors for immunization," the ministry wrote, allowing health workers to talk to parents about advantages and disadvantages of vaccination.

The government is also proposing information kits for daycares and parent committees specifying the importance of vaccination.

"Parents have a heavy responsibility to vaccinate their children. Some people need a reminder, others need more information. That's why we've allocated money for more information to parents, information that can be used in daycares to promote dialogue with parents about vaccinating their children, "said the minister. Childhood and Social Affairs, Mai Mercado.


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