Department of Health warns of a dangerous hepatitis A epidemic | Tennessee News


NASHVILLE, Tennessee (AP) – The Tennessee Department of Health is warning that an epidemic of hepatitis A has killed one person and made more than 400 others sick.

According to the ministry, the epidemic is hitting Nashville and Chattanooga more strongly.

Health Commissioner John Dreyzehner (DRYZ -nur) said in a press release that more than half of the people identified with the disease needed to be hospitalized and that more deaths were possible .

Hepatitis A is a liver disease that is usually spread through contact with contaminated feces or through the consumption of contaminated food or water. The epidemic in Tennessee is linked to a major epidemic in several states that began in 2017. It primarily affects drug users for recreational purposes and homeless people.

A vaccine is available and more than 36,000 doses have been provided to those most at risk.

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