Derek Carr has a simple explanation for why he seemed to cry on the ground


The week was tough for Derek Carr and the Raiders did not even play last Sunday. While the team was at rest, Carr was reacting to a story reported for the first time by the L & # 39; athleticsMarcus Thompson about a "fractured relationship" between the quarterback and his teammates following a video that seemed to show Carr crying on the field during the 6th week game against the Seahawks.

"They saw his face," Thompson wrote. "They heard his groan, they saw him explain on the sidelines, they probably saw him again in the film, and it's hard to see how Carr can lead this team again."

On Tuesday, Carr's brother, Darren, was the first to react.

And Carr followed shortly thereafter.

"Do not even waste your time with this big brother," he tweeted. "On the floor, I screamed, up, up, up, up, then up, screamed again, not a tear, not once, there is truth, people are going to click. because it looks crazy, but stop playing with me. "

Six minutes after that, he tweeted, "I'm a Raider, it's not a" popular "thing to be a Raider at the moment, but I'm and I love it. fight to try to fight for our city when few people believe in us.People can try anything they want to separate us, but it does not happen to the real ones. "

On Wednesday, Carr's teammates came to his defense.

All these reports on the break in this locker room with Derek Carr are the most heinous and ridiculous thing I've ever heard, "never had," said Lee Smith to the press, via the San Francisco ChronicleMatt Kawahara. …

"As players, we have no problem with Derek Carr," he continued. "He's our boss, he's always been our leader, we've put a" C "on his chest for a reason, with Rodney Hudson, and whatever his face after a tackle or what everybody wants to dive and carry attacking his character or attacking him as leader of this team is a joke. "

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Carr, who said about these accusations at his weekly press conference, "I'm not paying attention to that," added, "I've had a lot of difficult discussions with teammates. Some of the guys who sent one yesterday, saying, "Do not worry about that shit, that sort of thing. I can not tell you how many texts I have from old teammates, the ones I have now, and all those things. It's just lost, shit happens. "

Carr was asked if he ever expected to be accused of having cried on the ground.

"No, never," he says. "I broke my back, ankle, I was not crying so … It was funny, my coach actually sent me pictures of me doing the same head. so that I cry when I train, too. "

The Raiders are 1-5, have traded two of their best players and are one of the worst teams in the league. And while Carr completes his career record with 71% of his passes, he ranks 13th in the world. he has eight interceptions as well as seven touchdowns per game from all quarters. In other words: there is no guarantee that it is in Jon Gruden's long-term plans.

"I think it's going to go for Carr," Gruden said Wednesday. "We have a lot of elements in action in offensive and it 's difficult for a quarter.The first year of a system, it' s doubly difficult.I know it 's going to be an excellent player. "

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