Deterioration of vision can lead to cognitive changes in the elderly


The results suggest that maintaining good vision through the prevention and treatment of vision disorders may be a strategy for decreasing cognitive changes related to age.

For the study, JAMA Ophthalmology between visual impairment and cognitive function.

A total of 2,520 participants – aged 65 to 84, of whom 1,458 (58%) were women – were assessed over an eight-year period in four cycles – at the beginning of the study, two, six, and eight years later. Read: Do you have eye pain? Here's what you need to know

Visual acuity was measured using charts from the study on early diabetic retinopathy, and cognitive status was assessed at Using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)

. With the decline in cognitive function both transversely and longitudinally over time with an aggravated vision having a stronger association with lower cognition than the reverse, said co-author D. Diane Zheng of University of Miami. Read: 8 Foods That Make Your Eyes a World of Good

It was also noted that the rate of worsening of visual acuity was associated with the rate of decline of the MMSE score .

Source: IANS

Source of the Image: Shutterstock


Published: June 29, 2018 3:52 pm | Last Updated: June 29, 2018 15:53 ​​pm

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