Detroit Tigers Stadium employee spitting on video pizza on Instagram could be charged


If you were at the Detroit Tigers game on Friday and ordered some pizza, well, you might want to proceed with caution.

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Police arrested a former employee of Comerica Park who was seen spitting a pizza while working at a stadium booth on Friday. The man has since been fired and could be charged, According to WWJ NewsRadio, his damage was caused over the weekend: he is clearly spitting on pizza dough before covering saliva sauce with a viral Instagram video posted by his former colleague Quinelle "Nell" May.

May wrote in his article on Instagram that he had been asked to leave his post at Comerica Park during Friday's Tigers game "because I did not have my Comerica Park shirt" and because he was "too A long time in the bathroom ". That's why he decided to publish the video because "I could not wait after the game to tell them that an employee was spitting in pizza from customers".

He told Detroit WXYZ-TV that he "had gone to the bathroom to look around to talk about the video but could not find anyone" and that once he finally would met with supervisors, he would have been threatened with prosecution if he did not do so. t take the post. "

"Whenever I tried to talk," he said, "they told me to shut up."

Regarding why his colleague at the time spit in the pizzas, May said the man was just "crazy and had a bad day." Nothing like spitting in someone else 's food – right in front of a camera, no less – to let off steam, right?

Detroit Sportservice, the stadium food supplier, has since issued a statement about the incident, stating that he "immediately closed this food stand and eliminated the entire product" when discovering the saliva and that its "priority is food security". any appropriate action necessary to protect our guests. "

One woman, however, announced the threat of charges, telling WWJ NewsRadio that May was her former neighbor and "thought that he was trying to prevent her from not eating pizza". She apparently attended the Tigers game that night and now fears that she has been exposed to "a number of diseases".

"It's so disgusting to think," she says. The 43-year-old (Lynette) Roberts said she ordered the meat trio pizza and prepared it well. "I've literally been sick all the time, it's the dirtiest thing you can do, is to spit somebody or something."

She says May has contacted her on Facebook and told him that he had tried to find her after having her food to tell her not to eat it.

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