DeVos visits the learning lab of the Harper College Manufacturing Lab


US Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos visited Harper College in Palatine on Thursday to explore her multi-faceted learning program and state-of-the-art manufacturing lab, as well as to gather student feedback on a new story. application of financial assistance.

DeVos spoke with students and university officials during his tour, but did not talk to the media. The spokespersons of his department refused to comment on his visit.

Harper's President, Ken Ender, said it was a national conference organized by the college to share its expertise with 100 other institutions from 30 states having drawn the attention of the Secretary.

Harper's advanced manufacturing lab prepares students for careers in the manufacturing sector, while its apprenticeship program covers areas such as banking and finance, industrial maintenance, machining of digitally controlled precision, cybersecurity, general insurance, supply chain management and logistics.

DeVos, who according to Ender had never been to a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, had the opportunity to demonstrate the machines used by students in an academic environment before translating their knowledge into ongoing training. d & # 39; employment. The secretary has tried the virtual welding machine on which students practice before moving on to reality.

"It was a pretty cool visit," Ender said.

Before DeVos left, Ender presented him with a copy of Harper College's recent book, The First 50 Years, written by retired professor Trygve Thoreson.

Students also shared their thoughts on the new federal Student Aid free app, myStudentAid, launched by the federal government.

Ender stated that the students had discussed what they liked and that they were very specific on aspects that, in their opinion, needed to be improved: the width of the signature line of the student. application and better instructions to return to an earlier stage.

Such constructive criticism will likely make its way into a future update of the application, Ender said.

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