Diabetes: A New Technology for Better Diabetes Management | Kolkata News


Kolkata: Innovative new technologies such as sensor-augmented insulin pump therapy can give a normal life to type 1 diabetics, was it pointed out at a presentation on diabetes in therapies in a hospital Private city Sunday.

Regarding the management of type 1 diabetes, Pediatric Endocrinologist Subrata Dey said that pump therapy is a very effective method of managing juvenile diabetes because it administers insulin without repeated injections and is painless. The instantaneous blood glucose monitoring system attached to the arm or around the waist keeps the blood glucose record permanently punctured and guides the dosage of insulin in the pump.

In a case study, Dey mentioned a six-year-old girl who was admitted to a district hospital with severe ketoacidosis in a coma. The attending pediatrician contacted Dey and the child was brought to the city and resuscitated. His blood sugar was controlled and insulin pump therapy was started. The child has recovered and returned home after a week with a perfectly controlled blood sugar level. One year later, the child leads a normal and healthy life and continues to use the insulin pump.

The parents of juvenile diabetic patients present at the competition were satisfied with the treatment obtained with the use of these sensor insulin pumps. "Earlier, we were constantly concerned about the level of glucose in the blood. Now, with the help of the insulin pump, the sugar level can be monitored constantly, "said one parent of a 12-year-old type 1 diabetic child.

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