Diabetes: Eating 10 candies could help you maintain your blood sugar


Dr. David Cavan, in his book, "Take Control of Type 1 Diabetes," said type 1 diabetics could eat jujubes to stop blood sugar. Sugar-rich pieces would be enough to increase blood sugar levels enough.

"In order to increase blood sugar levels as soon as possible, (during hypoglycemia, hypoglycemia, event), the ideal option is a sugar"

Dr. Cavan advised to consume a 15-gram sugar-rich snack to help raise blood sugar levels.

For people with diabetes, it's important to avoid hypoglycemia, as the # Hypoglycemia. "

Healthline, a website that advises people with diabetes, said that hypoglycemia can lead to epileptic seizures and damage to the nervous system if it does not occur. is not treated quickly.

Eat four jelly babies, three large mar shmallows or six fruit lozenges

All are loaded with sugar and will help raise blood sugar quickly.

"Once you have treated Hypoglycaemia, it is important to try to determine what l & # 39; Caused, "continues Dr. Cavan.

"The simplest is that basically there is only one reason why a person has hypoglycemia – there is too much insulin in his system. The key is to understand why this is the case.

Common causes of hypoglycemia may include too much insulin, too much basal insulin or be more active than usual, he adds.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia include sweating, feeling hungry, tingling on the lips, and vertigo, according to the national health care provider

. "You will learn how you feel if you continue to take it, even if your symptoms may change over time."

Dangerous if it is not treated quickly, but you can usually treat it easily- even. "

The NHS added blood sugar levels could be avoided by regularly checking blood sugar levels, always wearing a sweet snack and not skipping meals." They added taking care of the blood sugar levels. Drinking and drinking alcohol can also help people with type 1 diabetes to avoid hypoglycaemia. "

" Do not drink large amounts in a short time and avoid drinking at home. fasting, "he writes

. -a snack before exercise can help reduce the risk of hypoglycemia.If you take insulin, it may be advisable to take a dose lower before or after intense exercise. "

Eating a carbohydrate snack before bedtime may also help a person avoid hypoglycaemia during the night.

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