Diabetes medications could help treat Alzheimer's disease


Washington DC. – According to a new study, people with Alzheimer's disease treated with antidiabetic drugs had significantly fewer markers of the disease, including abnormal microvasculature and deregulated gene expression in their brains, compared to patients treated with of other types of drugs.

The study was conducted by researchers at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, whose results were published in the journal "PLOS One".

This is the first study to examine what is happening in the pathways of brain tissue and endothelial cells, the cells lining the blood vessels in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease treated with antidiabetic drugs. The results of this study will help future studies on Alzheimer's disease and potential new therapies targeting specific cells, as they suggest that targeting the brain's capillary system could have beneficial effects on patients with Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer.

Many older people with diabetes have brain changes that are characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. Despite this link, two previous studies on brain tissue performed on Mount Sinai showed that the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease and diabetes exhibited fewer Alzheimer's lesions than those of people with Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease without diabetes.

The results suggest that diabetes medications have a protective effect on the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease.

To determine what is happening at the molecular level, the research team developed a method for separating cerebral capillaries from the brain tissue of 34 people with Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes treated with antidiabetic agents. and compare them to the brain tissue of people with Alzheimer's disease without diabetes and 19 brains of people without Alzheimer's disease or diabetes.

The researchers then examined the vessels and brain tissue separately to measure changes in the molecular RNA markers associated with Alzheimer's disease of brain capillary cells and insulin signaling.

Rates of about half of these markers have been reduced in the vessels and brain tissue of the group with Alzheimer's disease and diabetes. The vast majority of RNA changes observed in Alzheimer's disease were absent in patients with this disease who had been treated with antidiabetic drugs.

"The results of this study are important because they bring us new perspectives for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease," said lead author of the study, Vahram Haroutunian.

"Most modern Alzheimer's treatments target amyloid plaques and have failed to treat this disease effectively. Insulin medications, such as metformin, are approved by the FDA. They are safely administered to millions of people and seem to have a beneficial effect on people with Alzheimer's disease. opportunities to conduct research trials on people using drugs similar or having similar effects on the biological pathways of the brain and the cell types identified in this study, "said Dr. Haroutunian.

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