Dianne Feinstein refers Kavanaugh's question to federal investigators


WASHINGTON – The Senate's top justice official on Thursday sent back information about Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, President Trump's candidate for the Supreme Court, to federal investigators, but the senator declined to make the case public.

Two officials familiar with the matter stated that the incident involved possible sexual misconduct between Judge Kavanaugh and a woman when they were both in high school.

The statement by Senator Dianne Feinstein of California came a week before the vote of the Judiciary Committee on her appointment. "I have received information from an individual regarding the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court," Ms. Feinstein said in a statement. "This person strongly requested confidentiality, refused to come forward or pursue the matter, and I honored that decision. I have however referred the case to the federal investigation authorities. "

The information came in a letter that was first sent to the office of California Democrat representative Anna Eshoo.

Ms. Feinstein, who received the letter from Ms. Eshoo's office this summer, informed her fellow Democrats Wednesday night about its existence and content, but did not share the letter itself. Several Democrats advised him to present his demands to the F.B.I.

The White House responded almost immediately.

"Throughout his confirmation process, Justice Kavanaugh had 65 meetings with Senators – including with Senator Feinstein -, testified for more than 30 hours, answered over 2,000 questions in a public session. . It is only the day before his confirmation that Senator Feinstein or anyone else has mentioned new information about him, "said White House spokeswoman Kerri Kupec. She added, "Senator Schumer has promised to" oppose the appointment of Judge Kavanaugh with everything I have, "and he appears to be delivering with this 11-hour attempt to delay his confirmation.

Assists Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, said he had not seen the letter Eshoo, but he thinks the committee handles the issue appropriately.

But Senator John Cornyn of Texas, Republican No. 2 in the Senate and a member of the committee, was incredulous.

Ms. Feinstein did not share the letter with the chair of the committee, Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa. Nevertheless, Mr. Grassley said the question would not have an impact on his schedule.

"Senator Grassley is aware of Senator Feinstein's removal," said George Hartmann, Grassley's spokesperson. "At that moment, he did not see the letter in question and respects the request for confidentiality. There is no plan to change the consideration of the appointment committee of Judge Kavanaugh. "

Carrie Severino, chief counsel and policy director of the Judicial Crisis Network, the conservative group that advocates for Justice Kavanaugh's confirmation, condemned Ms. Feinstein's action: "All the indicators of an assassination at the Eleventh hour and a desperate attempt at the appointment of Judge Kavanaugh, who enjoys an excellent reputation in his community, in his profession, in his church and among hundreds of friends, colleagues and colleagues.

Feinstein's decision came after the Senate Judiciary Committee, in a series of online votes, on Thursday rejected the Democrats' efforts to summon documents and testimonies about Judge Kavanaugh's years as assistant to President George W. Bush.

Democrat claims included the testimony of Senate assistant Manuel Miranda, who passed on to Kavanaugh documents illegally copied to Democratic computers. Senate Democrats the judge grilled at the hearings as to whether he knew or suspected that the documents he had received from Mr. Miranda as Secretary of Staff of President Bush had been extracted from the files of Democratic Senators without their authorization.

The Committee's Democrats also sought to attach documents relating to Mr. Kavanaugh's knowledge of the Bush-era enhanced interrogation and warrantless wiretap policies. Democrats accused Kavanaugh of minimizing his role in every program; He maintained that he was not aware of the policies and that he only knew about them in news reports.

The Republicans rejected each of these demands on Thursday, and rejected the Democrats' efforts as theatrical offerings to appeal to their bases. Mr. Grassley announced that he would be voting in committee on the appointment of Mr. Kavanaugh to the Senate on September 20.

Senator Ted Cruz, a Republican from Texas, rejected the arguments of his fellow Democrats that he knew too little about the judge, highlighting his opinions published as a federal appeals judge.

"Everyone is in agreement that it is the most important and most important source for assessing the type of justice that it would be," he told reporters. .

More and more documents surrounding the judge's opinions continue to circulate. Senator Cory Booker, New Jersey Democrat, continued to release the committee's confidential documents on Thursday. Late on Wednesday evening, Mr. Kavanaugh submitted a 263-page written response to more than 1,200 follow-up questions submitted by committee members following his confirmation hearings.

In his written responses, as at the hearings, Mr. Kavanaugh largely refused to answer questions about the decision on the historic abortion Roe v. Wade or his view on the scope of presidential power, saying: judge and a candidate to comment on issues that might come before me. "

He did, however, answer the Democrats' questions about his personal finances and playing habits.

Mr. Kavanaugh wrote, "I did not have any gambling debts or participated in fantasy leagues." In response to questions about playing poker regularly or periodically, he replied: Other games with friends and colleagues.

He also responded at one point during his confirmation that became viral, in which he refused to shake hands with Fred Guttenberg, an anti-gun activist whose daughter was killed at Parkland School , in Florida. Mr. Kavanaugh wrote that he did not recognize Mr. Guttenberg and assumed that he was a protester, but expressed his regret for their interaction.

"Mr. Guttenberg suffered an incalculable loss, and if I had known who he was, I would have shaken his hand, talked to him, and expressed my sympathy," wrote Mr. Kavanaugh. would have listened. "

Michael S. Schmidt contributed to the report.

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