Dias Kadyrbayev, friend of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, deported to Kazakhstan


Dias Muratovich Kadyrbayev, a 24-year-old former Massachusetts resident sentenced for concealing criminal evidence connected to the Boston Marathon bombing, has been deported, federal immigration officials say. 

He was transported to his native Kazakhstan last month, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said this week. 

Kadyrbayev was convicted of conspiracy to obstruct justice and obstruction of justice for removing and disposing of incriminatory items from Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s dorm after recognizing him in FBI photos shown on the news. Both were students at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. 

He removed Tsarnaev’s laptop and a backpack that contained explosive powder from fireworks. Both were later recovered by law enforcement. 

He pleaded guilty to the charges and was sentenced to six years in federal prison in 2015. ICE officials announced in August that he faced deportation. 

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