Did Dr. Christine Blasey Ford Claim to Use a Cell Phone Prior to Their Commercial Existence?


Fewer events in recent memory have inspired such a prodigious spread of conspiracy theories than the nomination and hearings of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Be it Zillow blueprints, images purporting links between Clinton and Dr. Ford, or the mania of internet sleuths thriving in r/The_Donald, the theories continue to grow evermore feral.

“Christine Blasey Ford claims that she called a friend on her cell phone after the ‘attack’ in or around 1982. The first cell phone was sold for $3,995 in March of 1984.” So claims an image, now circulating on a Facebook page with the contradictory title “Trump Republic.”

The page has more than 1 million followers and the photo, posted Monday, has already received more than 28,000 shares and near 12,000 “reactions.”

TWS could not find a single instance of Dr. Ford, in her letter, testimony, etc. claiming that she called a friend on a cell phone around the time of the alleged incident. (Furthermore, Time and Technology.org note that the Motorola DynaTAC 8000x hit the market in ‘83, not 1984 as the photo claims.)

Commenters, however, choose not to question the validity of the meme, but instead shout their own appraisal of the situation paired with their personal theories on Dr. Ford and the validity of her claims, much to the praise of their virtual peers.

At least tomorrow is Friday. Oh, wait …

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