Did James Harden travel? NBA says no


On Tuesday, Houston Rockets guard James Harden

The reigning league MVP used a nifty pick-up-his-dribble, move-the-ball-behind-his-back, take-two-steps-then-shoot move in an exhibition game against the Shanghai Sharks.

Is this a travel?

He hit his ninth 3-pointer of the game with the move and unleashed a debate over whether, in fact he did travel.

NBA says it's legal

NBA officials addressed the situation Wednesday, citing his "side 1-2 step" from his pivot foot as justification for why it was legal.

The NBA released a similar message.

Rule book does not provide much clarity

While the NBA is getting out of the way, this is not a definitive answer.

In fact, the rules of the law are not so much limited, but they do not provide a source of clarity.

James Harden's latest move. (Getty)

The NBA addresses the complexity of the situation.

This portion of the "misunderstood rules" section of the league's site appears to address Harden's situation.

When ending his dribble a player can use a two counting rhythm in coming to a stop, passing or shooting.

One could argue that Section II of the rulebook addressing dribbling would prohibit Harden's move.

A player will not run with the ball without dribbling it.

Of course a strict interpretation of that rule would have to be played on almost every play in basketball.

It's a judgment call

Which is a difficult call. As much as somebody wants to argue that they know the hard-and-fast rules and can identify the violation with absolute certainty every time, it's not that clear cut.

Traveling is in large part of a judgment call. And the NBA has judged that what Harden did on Tuesday was not a travel.

Did they get it right?

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