Did John Legend and Rita Ora synchronize lips at Macy's Thanksgiving Day show? His performance caused a stir


Parades should be fun. Unfortunately, Macy's Thanksgiving day parade has garnered a lot of criticism and even some questions. Did John Legend and Rita Ora synchronize lips during Macy's Thanksgiving Parade? Ora's performance caused a sensation, with fans suspecting that she was synchronizing her lips, but Legend has been forbidden to defend the singer via Twitter, claiming that he too was synchronizing the lips during his performance.

After the performance, Macy tweeted an explanation from the official account of the store. The tweet read,

"During the NBC #MacysParade broadcast, several artists encountered technical difficulties that negatively impacted their performance.We apologize and wish the fans to know that these issues are beyond the control of NBC. artist."

The legend has published a more detailed explanation on snafu lip sync on his own Twitter account. The Grammy winner explained,

"It's a fun fact.We must all sync our parade because the tanks are not able to handle the sound requirements for a live performance.I hope you all enjoyed the moment." that if you come to my concerts, the voices are 100% live! "

That makes a lot of sense. How are they supposed to have a coherent sound system on a tank that moves in an open space with a ton of people? It's just strange that these technical difficulties occur so often, yet the fans again to turn around when they see the blatant synchronization of the lips.

Ora replied to the tweet of Macy saying, "Thank you and I appreciate the honesty and hope that everyone else has had a good time!" Everyone did it. Even in this case, the "problem" of lip synching gives everyone something to discuss rather than clumsy little discussions with distant family members.

Many people hate synchronizing their lips on the premise that artists do not sing. however, Legend explained in another tweet that he was bellowing the notes even though no one could actually hear him play.

The truth is that popular artists have been singing forever. At least for the most part. Sometimes it's simply impossible for them to sing live because of the logistics of the events. This does not mean that they are not able to sing and that does not diminish their talents.

Everyone knows that John Legend is a phenomenal singer. He even beat himself to sing live during events where it is not the norm. The legend revealed that he had sung live during an appearance of Soul Train, although other artists at the time did so do not do that on the show.

Ora also took on Twitter for the highly criticized parades. She subscribed to Legend's tweet on the sound requirements on the parade floats. She also insisted: "All my shows are live 100% and have always been!"

Ora insisted that the lip sync is not part of his usual routine in response to a fan.

Even though Ora, Legend and Macy's had plausible explanations for less than perfect performances, they had a lot of fans defending them on social networks. You see, it's not just the enemies on Twitter!

A fan said the evidence via tweet. John Legend is so talented. Why hate him for something that is out of his control.

No hard of hearing person can deny Legend's signature abilities. This should really be a non-problem. One of his fans pointed out that "literally everyone synchronizes on the lips". Yes, they do it. Or at least a lot of people do it, especially when they organize big outdoor events like this one.

At least one person tried to find humor in the tepid scandal. Why not just make a joke instead of being mean about it?

John Legend can sing. Rita Ora can sing. They are both very successful. This is not their problem. It's a problem of parry and we can just stay there and continue. Be thankful that they gave us all something to discuss.

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