Did Meghan Markle's sister compare her to Donald Trump?


Meghan Markle Meghan Markle | Leon Neal / Getty Images

Samantha, Meghan Markle's half-sister, resumed the attack. She strikes below the belt, comparing the Duchess of Sussex to someone she obviously does not like: Donald Trump. In the past, Meghan showed his dislike for Trump, saying that if he won the 2016 presidential election, she would consider staying in Canada, reports The Independent. She also called Trump a misogynist divider.

So, to be compared to Trump, he must have reached a new floor in Samantha's relationship with Meghan. Samantha is unhappy with the distance between Meghan and their father. She is therefore addressing social media to identify what she thinks is happening. "Sorry, there is no valid or valid argument for inhuman treatment on both sides of the family and a 30-year-old best friend," Samantha tweeted. "Snobbery and arrogance are not humanitarian traits. In particular, she has the obligation to treat our father with kindness. "

Although she makes the comparison between Meghan and Trump, it's Samantha who compares herself more to Trump. So what comparison did Samantha make and how does she compare to Trump?

She made this comparison on her private Twitter account

Samantha Grant Samantha Grant | Inside Edition via YouTube

In the elections, Trump was so confident in his fame that he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and that he would still get votes. Samanta recalled this moment with this hard tweet compare Meghan to Trump. "People must stop being blinded by celebrity status and wealth. Trump said he could shoot anyone without losing a voice. The same mentality applies to my sister. People believe anything and always follow in the line of ants.

Samantha even phoned – like Trump

She went further in her tweetstorm using one of Trump's signature tricks to call an "opponent" by a pejorative nickname. "I do not cover anything with sweets anymore! The DUCHASS should be human for our father who gave it all, .. and this shit of the media can stop! He was the one who was always there for her. False waves and smiles can stop. The duchASS can bow down to dad.

But Samantha is perhaps the one that looks the most like Trump

US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump aboard the Air Force One before leaving the Morristown Municipal Airport in Morristown, New Jersey on July 1, 2018, after a week-long break. end in Bedminster, New Jersey. Donald Trump | Saul Loeb / AFP / Getty Images

Like Trump, she has no love for the media. She tweeted This is an article comparing the tensions between the sisters. "But I love the sensationalist nonsense words used by journalists to describe everything in order to create an unbearable tension!" this"Oh, about all the sordid little journalists who love to use words such as threatening to go down, bend or snap, crawl under your rocks. There is no demand and there is no negativity here.

She takes another shot in a tweet Here too: "What is amazing about these lowlife journalists is that the day has just regurgitated other rumors. They do not even write their own things. All the rumors and a joke.

Samantha shows her devotion to her father on Twitter

She spends a lot of time supporting her father on Twitter. She is strong for him, tweeting"And I guarantee you that if you could meet my father at 99%, he would like it and would like to give them a big hug. He is a love and maybe a little shy, but he has a huge heart, so it's very fake. to misinterpret it.

Also, this: "And I have the best father in the world, even if so many fathers are great!"

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