Did the Big Bang really happen? Astronomers design new experiences to discover once and for all


big Bang

All history of the universeThe NASA

A long-standing model that attempts to explain the origin and the expansion of the universe – the Big Bang theory, will eventually be tested. Although it is widely accepted in most scientific circles, it has never really been proven beyond reson to be what it is and to exclude from it. Other scenarios explaining cosmic inflation – the constant and accelerated expansion of the universe.

A team of scientists from Harvard University and the Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Center (CfA) could come up with a new experiment to test an aspect of the Big Bang model, ScienceAlert reports. In a document published by the team, titled "Unique Footprints of Alternatives to Inflation in the Spectrum of Primordial Power", they exposed the concept.

For those who do not know, it is thought that cosmic inflation has occurred 10-36 seconds after the Big Bang – the singularity, a point where everything contained in the universe was focused on one point – and all began to develop as a result of the explosion.

The inflationary era lasted up to 10 years-33 at 10-32 seconds after the Big Bang. Just after this point, the report notes, the expansion of the Universe has slowed down and, according to this theory, the expansion of the universe, for a brief moment, was actually faster than the speed of light.

As to why this "epoch" is important for cosmologists, the report points out that it helps to explain how, despite massive distances between various points in the universe, the conditions are almost identical. The homogeneity and homogeneity of the whole universe can be explained by the way in which all things were one at a given moment.

Until now, this approach has had no way of conclusively proving or, more importantly, refuting, so other explanations about how the universe has been created still exist.

Researchers now propose that the massive fields of the primitive universe would have undergone quantum fluctuations and density perturbations to a degree that should have directly recorded the scale of the universe as a function of time, functioning as a standard clock of the universe. report.

Astronomers will only have to measure the signals coming from these fields and they predict that they would be able to determine if there were density variations that were sown within them. when the universe was born or was contracting. If they were measurable, it would effectively eliminate alternative theories to cosmic inflation, like the Big Bounce scenario, they said.

Black matter

The print of this artist shows the evolution of the universe starting with the Big Bang on the left followed by the appearance of the cosmic microwave background. The formation of the first stars ends the dark cosmic age, followed by the formation of galaxies.CfA / Mr Weiss

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