Did the old Meghan Markle wear a transparent skirt?


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/ Source: TODAY & # 39; HUI

By Chrissy Callahan

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, made headlines for the flawless style choices that she made during her 16-day royal tour. This black and white dress! These blazers! But his latest outfit is questioning: does the old Meghan Markle just experience the dysfunction of her wardrobe?

For her ultimate commitment to the royal tour, the duchess chose a beautiful semi-transparent Givenchy skirt with a pair of matching tops and pumps. Beautiful as usual!

Former Meghan Markle in New Zealand
The colored panels created an interesting effect when walking the duchess, but may have caused an optical illusion in some photographs.Reuters

The only problem? The bold blue skirt seems to be transparent in some photos, giving the impression that the 37-year-old woman is flashing her legs and revealing her underwear.

Antique blue pleated skirt Meghan Markle in New Zealand
Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, during a ride to Rotorua on the fourth day of the Royal Couple's New Zealand tour.Reuters

Before taking the lead, this "transparent skirt" is probably an optical illusion. The Royals must follow fairly strict dress rules. We doubt therefore that their future mother deliberately chose a transparent skirt.

And we all know how clothes can appear differently on the camera and in real life from time to time. Remember the #TheDress debate?

The optical illusion is perhaps just due to the thick fabric of the skirt, "strobe to the camera," which made it look pure.

"I think the inner panels of the skirt were built with a strip of thin material that did not seem to have the air of being suspended in a normal light. Direct sunlight obviously had a huge impact on the transparency of the fabric, "said Adrienne M. Kronovet, founder and general manager of the Ameliora clothing line. "I would say that it only seems to be visible in certain lighting and that it is actually covered underneath."

It's logical, right?

This is not the first time that a royal seems to be suffering from a malfunction of his wardrobe. In 1980, Princess Diana was photographed in a transparent lace skirt that revealed her legs underneath on a sunny day.

Lady Diana Spencer Pure Skirt, 1980
Lady Diana Spencer worked as a kindergarten assistant at the Young England Kindergarten in 1980 before marrying Prince Charles.REX / Shutterstock

Just last week, the Duchess of Sussex also made a slight fashion mistake when she forgot to remove the label from her new red dress in Tonga.

Whether her skirt is pure or not, we can not help but love even more the duchess to be so relatable!

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