Did you know that genes do not determine longevity?


NEW YORK: According to a new analysis of an aggregate set of genealogical trees of more than 400 million people, genetics has far less influence on the length of life than one does. thought it before.
The study suggests that the heritability of life span is well below previous estimates, which has not allowed us to report on our tendency to select partners with traits similar to ours.
"We can potentially learn a lot about the biology of aging through human genetics, but if heritability of life span is low, it changes our expectations about the types of things we can learn and the ease with which they will be learned, "said senior author Graham. Ruby, Calico Life Sciences – an American research and development company.
"It helps to contextualize the questions that scientists who study aging can ask effectively," she added.
Heritability measures the length of life that can be explained by genetic differences, excluding differences in lifestyle, socio-cultural factors and accidents.
While previous estimates of the heritability of human lifespan ranged from about 15 to 30%, in the new study, they were probably not more than 7%, or even lower.
For the study, published in the journal Genetics, the team used online genealogy resources with public genealogical trees generated by subscribers representing six billion ancestors.
Removing redundant entries and those still living, they sewed more than 400 million people, mostly Americans of European descent.
Each was linked to another by a parent-child relationship or by spouse.
They focused on family members born in the 19th and early 20th centuries and noted that the spouses' longevity tended to be correlated, more similar to siblings of the opposite sex.
Comparing different types of in-laws, they found that the brothers-in-law and the cousins ​​had a correlated life, even though they were not blood relatives and shared usually not the same households.
The discovery that the sibling's brother or spouse had a life span similar to theirs clearly indicated that there was something else at stake, said the researchers.
The answer could be in assortative mating. People tend to choose partners with traits like theirs – in this case, how long do they live, they explain.
Secret for a happy life! Smart lifestyle changes can keep your heart healthySecret To A healthy heart24 Sep, 2017At a time when lifestyle-related illnesses are on the rise, it's becoming important to understand the risk factors and to work to eradicate them, heart disease.

Anjali Malhotra, Marketing and Digital Director, Digital Product Manager, provides Life Life to prevent heart problems in today's fast-paced life.

A daily exercise program, regardless of the form of physical activity, lasting 30 to 45 minutes is essential for the arteries to remain flexible.

Small changes in your physical activity can help make a positive change in your routine.

Studies have shown that brisk walking can add about two hours to the life expectancy of some adults.

Few changes in the lifestyle, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, park at the farthest end of a car park and take a short walk into the office for a short walk at lunch time help to keep the body fit and to instill a living.

In addition, few yoga asanas such as Virbhadrasana, Tadasana, Utkatasana, Bhujangasana and Vrikshasana also help prevent heart problems. If you practice these five yoga postures daily, you can reduce the substantial risks of heart problems.Healthy Diet24 Sep, 2017Healthy eating is the key to heart health and life. However, the majority of us tend to ignore it.

What you eat directly affects your heart. Therefore, be sure to consume green and leafy vegetables, exclude sugar and soft drinks from your diet, replace sugary drinks with water as much as possible and reduce the consumption of processed foods. and refined flour.

Too much sodium can also cause excess fluid in the body, putting extra pressure on your heart. Therefore, it is best to adapt to the variety of spices, herbs and flavors that are an alternative to salt.

In addition, exclude red meats from the diet in order to avoid bad cholesterol. Limit your intake of oil and sugar, which will also help reduce the risk of heart problems.Body Weight24 Sep, 2017L excès excess weight is dangerous for the heart. Keep an eye on your weight because it increases the chances of getting high cholesterol, which can lead to diabetes, a risk of arterial disease and high blood pressure.

Monitor your BMI (Body Mass Index) and keep it at an optimal level. Check your smoking and alcohol consumption24 Sep. 2017Tobacco and alcohol are more likely to cause cardiovascular disease. These habits are known to raise blood pressure, causing irregular heartbeats.

Moreover, it disturbs the normal functioning of the heart. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid consuming both or consume it in moderation and to remove it gradually. It can be difficult to follow but is worth the effort.

The original article can be found by clicking here

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