Dietetic Center Week Tip: 6 Habits of People Who Succeed in Maintaining Weight Loss | Kingman Daily Miner


  • Posted on September 7, 2018 at 5:53 am
  • Is it possible to maintain a healthy weight for life?

    Hello, that's Eunice's Diet Center.

    Yes, that's it. Here are six things, according to the National Weight Control Registry that tracks more than 10,000 people who have lost at least 30 pounds, they have done and continue to do to maintain weight.

    1. Have breakfast every day

    Seventy-eight percent of successful maintainers have breakfast every day. According to Cornell's new global online Healthy Weight Registry, 96% of people who have always been in good health have eaten breakfast daily. It seems that, whatever your starting weight, breakfast can help you stay healthy.

    2. Think quality, not calories

    "Counting calories is a good thing to do for a short time so that you become aware of what you put in your body, but once you have an idea, focus on the food choices you know.

    3. move every day

    "Everyone should be moving at least some every day, even if it is only walking for 20 minutes during lunch break or going to work by bike. It is important to consider physical activity as something that happens not only in the gym or in your living room, but also in everyday life (think about climbing stairs, carrying heavy objects, etc.).

    4. Ask for a hand

    You know how much support is essential when a person is trying to lose weight. However, according to a 2014 study on public health nutrition and epidemiology, women who receive social support during their maintenance phase are much more likely to succeed than those who try to do so themselves.

    5. Keep an eye on your weight

    "Losing weight has identifiable benefits. You see it in the mirror, you feel it in your clothes and your energy level. Weight maintenance is much more difficult because you do not really get a return on your work. Your success is to see nothing change. This makes it a lot harder to pack our heads.

    6. Be honest about what is feasible right now

    You must be ruthlessly consistent with your habits, so make sure that they fit your lifestyle. If you try to insert a square peg into a round hole, you will not be able to fall into the cart when life touches you. For example, if you're exhausted at the end of your work day, the after-work workouts may not be the most convenient for you, but the morning or lunchtime sweat sessions can be practical.

    Thank you for reading the Tip of the Week Diet Center. If you have put these suggestions into practice and are struggling with your weight, call me at 928-753-5066 or go to 1848 Hope Ave. in Kingman.

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