Diets low in carbohydrates can lead to premature death



Have you lived a life low in carbohydrates? Diets that exchange carbohydrates for proteins or fats – it's thought that Atkins, South Beach, Paleo, Keto – are popular largely because they lead to weight loss and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes however, new research suggests that replacing carbohydrates with animal fats and proteins, as most low-carb diets do, is linked to a shorter life span.

Many randomized controlled trials – generally the benchmark for research – have found short-term benefits for weight and health with low-carbohydrate diets, although this is not a given. Since they were short-term studies, they were not able to evaluate how low carb diets affect longevity. A team from Harvard University and the University of Minnesota has therefore decided to review the observational data from the large study on the risk of atherosclerosis in communities.

the The results, published in August in the Lancet Public Health, reveal a potential danger in low-carb diets. Based solely on carbohydrate consumption, the researchers estimated that a 50-year-old participant who consumes less than 30% of carbohydrates will live at 79.1 years, compared with 82 in a person consuming more than 65% of carbohydrates.

This ties in with new research presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in August. Researchers at the Lodz Medical University in Poland examined data from 24,825 participants in the US National Health Survey and exams from 1999 to 2010. The risk of death was 32% higher for most carbohydrates. When the authors focused specifically on deaths from heart disease or stroke, the risk was 50% higher. Lead author, Maciej Banach, said the data suggests that while low-carb diets may be useful in the short term, they present risks and not long-term benefits.

But that's not all. To determine whether these results were due to carbohydrate consumption or other factors, the authors of the Lancet Study examined a number of other diet and lifestyle related factors. which affect health and longevity. Noting that many previous studies on carbohydrate intake did not take into account the effects of our other dietary choices, the authors indicated exactly what types of protein and fat diets low in carbohydrate replace their carbohydrate .

Some participants who reduced their carbohydrate consumption consumed more protein and animal-derived fats; their diet includes more beef, pork, lamb, chicken and cheese. Other participants chose more protein and herbal fats; Their diet included more nuts, peanut butter, black bread or whole grains, chocolate and vegetables. Overall, low-carbohydrate eaters of animal origin had a diet richer in protein and saturated fats than low-carbohydrate herbal eaters. The risk of premature death increased for those who chose more protein and animal-derived fats, but those who traded carbohydrates for proteins and fats of plant origin lived longer. This has proven to be the case at all levels of carbohydrate consumption, suggesting that it is the types of foods we choose, rather than the amount of carbohydrate, that matter most.

Diets high in animal protein, especially red and processed meats and saturated fats, have been consistently associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and reduced life span, especially when they occur. they contain little fiber, antioxidants, fruits and other plant foods.

One of the limitations of this study is that she interviewed participants about their diet twice during the 25-year, early and six-year study. It is therefore possible that eating habits changed in subsequent years. Because the study is observational and non-clinical, it can not establish cause and effect. However, the authors also conducted a meta-analysis of other studies focusing on carbohydrate ingestion and longevity, including some studies specifically focusing on the ingestion of carbohydrate foods. animal and vegetable origin, and found similar results.

Your best bet for healthy aging? Avoid extremes by eating low to moderate amounts of carbohydrate – focusing on high-fiber carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains – and making your plant foods more protein and fat. For protein, turn to beans, lentils, nuts, seeds and less processed soy foods such as tofu, tempeh and edamame. These foods also contain fiber that most Americans do not miss. For fats, avocados, avocado oil, olive oil and nut oils and seeds.

Dennett is a nutritionist and owner of Nutrition by Carrie.

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