Dimon runs in 2020 and regrets the "machismo" in Trump Snub


JPMorgan Chase & Co. chief executive, Jamie Dimon, ended his political career and accused the "machismo" of declaring last week that he was smarter than President Donald Trump.

"I never say anything other than no," said Dimon when asked if he was going to challenge Trump in 2020, according to a transcript of his interview broadcast Sunday on ABC "This week with George Stephanopoulos ".

Dimon, 62, said Wednesday at a philanthropic event organized by JPMorgan that he could beat Trump in an election. He came back in a few hours.

On ABC, Dimon made positive comments about the president's management of the economy, calling it "very good."

Read more: Dimon immediately regrets boasting of being able to beat Trump

Dimon joins ABC to discuss the 10th anniversary of the financial crisis and the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc .:

  • The banking system of today is "very, very, very healthy" and the regulators should "make a victory turn"
  • He acknowledged public outrage at taxpayer funded bank bailouts while people were suffering. "They did not see the justice of the Old Testament. I understand why there is a lot of anger out there.
  • Dimon also discussed the "Advancing Cities" initiative of JPMorgan. "We know that working with government, working with civil society, working with businesses, creating affordable housing, jobs, education, color entrepreneurs and all these things can improve these cities."

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Read Dimon exclaims in 2020, regrets the "machismo" in Trump Snub on bloombergpolitics.com

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