Dimon says he could beat Trump in a presidential race because he's "smarter than him"


Jamie Dimon has just thrown the glove, issuing a series of bellicose comments – at least politically speaking – directed directly against President Donald Trump on Wednesday.

"I think I could beat Trump. because I'm as hard as it is, I'm smarter than it is "

-Jamie Dimon

The JPMorgan Chase & Co.

JPM, -0.74%

The CEO said he could better trump in a race for the White House because he has the physical and mental ratings.

On top of that, Dimon suggested that he was not born with a proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, suggesting that Trump had not earned his fortune the hard way but rather inherited it.

"And by the way, this rich New Yorker has really made his money," said Dimon. "It was not a daddy's present," he said. The net worth of Dimon is about 1.4 billion, according to Forbes, against 3.1 billion for Trump. Forbes says Trump "started working for his father, Fred, who developed cheap housing in Brooklyn and Queens."

The comments were made at a JPMorgan-sponsored event, where Dimon was answering a moderator's question, whether he would be interested in participating in the 2020 battle for the presidency. They are likely to react quickly to Trump via Twitter.

In the past, Dimon described himself as a patriot who wants to serve his country and the best way he can, but so far, he hesitates to enter the political arena. "I'd like to be president of the United States of America," he said, according to an article from Vanity Fair. Dimon has been described in the past as the least detested American banker and perhaps one of the most important in the national scene.

It is impossible to say how Dimon could fight against Trump during a presidential race in Tete, but the company of the CEO was the most powerful among the biggest banks of the country.

JPMorgan shares have grown by 6.3% so far in 2018, outperforming their peers, including Citigroup Inc.

C + 1.98%

Wells Fargo & Co.

WFC -2.44%

Morgan Stanley

MRS, -1.09%

Goldman Sachs

GS -1.08%

and Bank of America Corp.

LAC -1.15%

which are mostly negative for the year (with the exception of A. B.'s annual yield of 3.7%). In comparison, the Dow Jones Industrial Average

DJIA, + 0.22%

JPMorgan is a component up 5.4% in 2018, while the S & P 500 index

SPX, -0.14%

grew by 8.1% and the Nasdaq Composite Index

COMP -0.76%

According to FactSet data, this figure has increased by almost 15% this year.

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