Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is residing as Ambassador to the United Nations. She will remain until the end of the year.

WASHINGTON – Dina Powell, an executive at Goldman Sachs, is working for the United States, ambassador to the United Nations, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

Powell, who previously served as deputy national security adviser, President Donald Trump's "short list" to replace U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley.

Powell, instead, will stay at Goldman Sachs, the sources said. It's unclear why Powell is no longer being considered.

Powell is the only person Trump has made a name for a possible replacement for Haley, who announced Tuesday that she would step down at the end of the year.

more: Nikki Haley's resignation will be President Trump's Cabinet

more: Nikki Haley, top Trump help, will step down as United Nations ambassador at end of the year

more: Trump on Nikki Haley's UN replacement: 'How good would Ivanka be?'


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Haley, a South Carolina governor, became one of the most prominent women in Trump's Cabinet. She helped the president embrace a more isolationist approach while delivering a steady message when White House policy was unclear.

Trump, Haley maintained high standing in the administration occasional disagreements with the president that spilled into public view. She is a potential candidate for higher office – for president – an idea she downplayed when announcing her resignation.

"She's done a fantastic job, and we've done a fantastic job together," Trump said of Haley on Tuesday. "We've solved a lot of problems."

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