Dinesh D'souza, Trump-pardoned filmmaker, shares tweets with Hashtag #BurntheJews


Conservative filmmaker pardoned by President Donald Trump was criticized for retweeting Twitter posts with hashtags #burntheJews and #bringbackslavery

Dinesh D'Souza, right-wing commentator, who was mocked the survivors of the shooting at Parkland School. Rosie O'Donnell should be sued for her campaign donations, was pardoned by Trump in May.

He was sentenced to five years probation and eight months in a community detention center or halfway house after pleading guilty to a federal charge of making illegal campaign contributions in 2014.

 [RTR3Q10M] Dinesh D'Souza was slammed to retweet messages with racist hashtags. Reuters

During the weekend, D & # 39; Souza found himself at the center of controversy on Twitter after retweeting messages that promoted his film Death of a Nation. Trump compares to Abraham Lincoln – when users noticed that they contained very offensive hashtags.

The first tweet shared by D & # 39; Souza, which featured the hashtag #burntheJews, was spotted by Twitter users and widely shared, prompting the expert to respond: I don? I have not seen the hashtag. Just try to share the trailer on social media. "

His claim that he simply had not spotted the hashtag was not well received by Twitter, many users expressing their disbelief that the filmmaker could have missed out on the message

"Do not worry, Dinesh," it was written. "Everyone accidentally tweeted #burnthejews from their racist fans hatefully. Could happen to anyone. I'm sure it does not say anything about who you attract with your message. "

However, shortly after, Dr. Souza retweeted another message that promotes his film – this time with the #bringbackslavery hashtag, which was also quickly spotted by the Social media users who have again criticized him for sharing the racist tweet

Despite the fury, D'Souza took the time to respond to the incident report by Raw Story, refusing to. 39 accept responsibility for retweets, writing: "Look at these sordid and unscrupulous leftists trying to make a story from an accidental retweet."

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