Director disciplined for declaring illegal immigrants will turn the US into a "dirty country"


A Texas college principal was put on administrative leave after he said he feared that illegal immigration would turn the US into a "dirty country," according to a report.

William Dugat, an eighth grade director at Lufkin Middle School, made the remark in response to a woman's photo on Facebook alongside US Senate Democrat Beto O. Rourke, who stopped at Lufkin last week in order to dislodge Senator Ted Cruz.

"I want to take a stand on issues, especially universal health care, because many people are deprived of basic care and the environment because I fear that my children and grandchildren will have Drinking water, "said the woman, Zoie Lovejoy, wrote Thursday. "These are my priorities, I know they may be different from yours, but it's okay because we're both adults and we can disagree on these issues, while still being courteous."

This seems to have touched Dugat, according to his response since suppressed.

"Exactly!" He replied, according to a screenshot captured by KTRE. "I'm worried that the United States will look like Mexico and South America with so many illegal aliens hosted in our country. I imagine that we are doomed to have a dirty county anyway. "

Dugat did not immediately return a message asking for comments Monday morning.

A school district spokesman told KTRE that Dugat was on administrative leave Friday after officials learned of the controversial comment.

"Yes, we have been informed of the publication," said the spokesman at the station. "We do not tolerate his actions or comments. He had been put on administrative leave while waiting for an investigation into the incident. "

Lovejoy's message was also targeted by other users, including a man who stated that he hoped that she would not "claim to be Christian" because of her political beliefs.

"Beto and all the other Democrats believe in abortion, homosexuality and other issues that my God calls abominations," we read in another answer. "If you support ONE of their platforms, you support all … Praying for you, 'mature adult'."

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