Directors and major actors ask Warner Bros. to save FilmStruck


Some of the greatest directors working in Hollywood, from Christopher Nolan to Alfonso Cuarón and Guillermo del Toro, ask Warner Bros. back up the streaming service of FilmStruck classic movies.

Just under 20 filmmakers and actors signed an open letter to Toby Emmerich, president of Warner Bros., calling on the executive to reassess a decision made by Warner Bros.'s parent company Warner Bros. & # 39;, which is merging with AT & T – support for the streaming service. This is one of many streaming services, including DramaFever, a comedy-based TV movie channel, which WarnerMedia has decided to discontinue as a result of the acquisition and WarnerMedia is preparing to launch its own streaming software. The open letter includes the recognition of Hollywood's greatest talents that certain commercial aspects should be taken into account in a merger, but states that FilmStruck should not be lost in the process.

"We know that one of the reasons it was shut down is a future Warners streaming service, but in reality, FilmStruck should not be a conflict of interest," wrote the published letter. the Deadline, bed. "At a time when there are dozens of platforms, content retention is really important and FilmStruck provided a service to satisfy both old movie fans and the younger generation of filmmakers who will produce incredible films long after our death. . "

Their open letter comes after filmmakers Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg have reportedly contacted Emmerich with similar concerns. Although many of the filmmakers on the list have already used mega streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu, others, like Nolan, have argued against broadcast giants like Netflix ruining the movie theater. FilmStruck, they argue, is a way to preserve the integrity of cinema for a continuous audience.

"In a time of tremendous acquisition of communications companies by the cinema – in a company that could bring billions of dollars to a media like the cinema, we think this is a necessary gesture – a tiny demonstration of goodwill towards the preservation and accessibility of information technologies. a tradition and a rich history that would benefit the public, "reads the letter.

FilmStruck, which was devoted to independent films, auteur films, foreign languages ​​and classics, had a library of more than 1,600 titles at the time of its cancellation. The company did not disclose the number of subscribers in the service, but it is by no means close to the approximately 140 million Netflix subscribers worldwide.

Neither WarnerBros. neither WarnerMedia responded to the letter but The edge Reached out to comment. FilmStruck is scheduled to close on Nov. 29.

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