White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the notion that President Donald Trump is responsible for parcels sent to his opponents is "scandalous". (October 25)

The OnPolitics blog of the USA TODAY journal examines how left and right media have reacted to a political news item, offering liberals and curators a glimpse of the media bubble of the other.

Federal and local law enforcement officials are investigating suspicious packages sent to prominent Democrats and the media. On Wednesday, the secret service announced that it had intercepted parcels addressed to politicians, including former President Barack Obama and former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

On Thursday morning, at least 10 packages were found in Washington, New York, Delaware, Florida, and California.

President Donald Trump condemned the attacks and urged the country to "unify". At a rally in Wisconsin on Wednesday night, he said the media had "the responsibility to give a civil tone," and tweeted Thursday that reporters are to blame for some "anger" in the company.

The liberals believe Trump's rhetoric is partly responsible for the attempted attacks, noting that many of the intended recipients were the president's favorite targets. The Conservatives have dismissed this theory.

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The White House also rejected the claim that Trump's rhetoric was at the root of the violence, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders saying the president "is certainly not responsible" for the threats.

More: More suspicious packages found, 1 near the offices of Robert De Niro in New York and 2 addressed to Joe Biden in Delaware

More: What we know about the 10 potential craft bombs sent to De Niro, Biden, Clinton, Obama

Liberal bubble: the attempts were "absolutely predictable"

Paul Waldman of the Washington Post wrote that there was "no question" that the president sent a message to his supporters that the violence was acceptable.

"It's not only that Trump advocates violence against his political opponents – although he does," Waldman writes. "It's because everything in his rhetoric pushes his followers in that direction, even if the overwhelming majority will never get to the point where they will actually commit this kind of terrorist act."

Conservative bubble: it's Trump's fault

Fox News host Tucker Carlson burst out laughing when former Clinton aide Philippe Reines accused the president of delivering an explosive to George Soros, a Democratic donor.

"I laugh because … I have criticized Soros a thousand times. I hope that he will live long enough to be able to continue to criticize him, "said Carlson. "Elected officials are not allowed to criticize George Soros?"

Liberal bubble: Trump's rhetoric intensifies

Attempts at this week's attacks are proof that not only is the escalation of Trump's rhetoric increasing, but that the threats made against anyone who disapprove with him become more and more credible, writes Lucian K. Truscott IV for Salon.

"Trump's rhetoric has become more violent as the frequency of his lies has increased," Truscott writes. "You can hardly turn on the television these days without seeing a Trump clip at one of his rallies screaming at the top of one or the other Democrat. A rally in July, Trump accused Obama of founding ISIS! I would say that the co-founder was Hillary Clinton!

Truscott said that Trump's attacks on the media had "become like a background noise, so far".

"There is obviously a big difference between receiving a death threat and receiving a homemade bomb in the mail," he writes. "A threat is meant to scare you, to intimidate you, a bomb in the mail is an attempt at murder."

Conservative bubble: the media is politicizing violence

John Nolte writes for Breitbart that, although the attempted attacks are an "inexcusable act of terrorism," the media are exploiting them to try to silence Trump and his detractors.

"Already, however, and without any proof, the points of discussion of the Democrats had dissipated and the media already accused Trump," writes Nolte. "Although we do not know who sent these bombs nor what is the motive, it was already Drumpf's fault."

Nolte also claims that mainstream media has "rigorously ignored, downplayed, excused, justified and even encouraged the epidemic of violence, vandalism and harassment that Trump supporters have been facing in recent years".

"Every honest person is appalled by political violence," writes Nolte. "This is where our country and our culture should be able to draw a thick red line and stick to it." And in a healthy democracy, a place where the media is not poisoned beyond anything hope by their own hate, that would happen. "

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