Discover the super cool sea creatures of Aquaman's Ocean Master and Vulko


After years of waiting, Aquaman is finally heading to the theaters in just a few months and we take a cool look at life on the oceans that we can expect to see in the latest blockbuster of the CUSD. The film teases us with other scenes of the action that will interest us, and among these could appear, apparently, Vulko (Willem Dafoe) and King Orm (Patrick Wilson) riding improbable animals. Viewing:

Of course, when I say improbable, I mean only in relation to what we, the land growers, know about what types of animals can be used for reliable transportation. It is clear that to get from one ocean to another, we missed it.

Aquaman's director, James Wan, wrote this cool look on Vulko and Orm riding two very different animals in their underwater kingdoms. Vulko is on a hammerhead shark, while Orm stands fiercely on top of an animal that I can admit to having never heard before, a tylosaurus.

While most of you will probably know what a hammerhead shark is, if you are not immersed in prehistoric marine life, you will be in the darkness of the tylosaurus. More commonly known as tylosaurus, this animal was a predatory marine lizard with an average length of 20 meters, which probably used its long muzzle to stun and stun its prey, as well as for combat. So, you know, it was dangerous.

One of the most interesting aspects of this film of Aquaman is to see how these animals will be equipped in the film. Do not just throw a saddle on a hammerhead shark or a tylosaur, each creature clearly wears armor. Vulko's Hammerhead (Hammy? I think I'll call it Hammy.) Is most obviously fitted with a protective veneer that covers almost all of its upper half, and the Orm tylosaur (obviously called Ty) appearing, at least, wears equipment along his muzzle and upper back.

Vulko may seem totally calm about his picture, but given the number of armor Hammy wears, I guess he'll be about to fight, or at least make a run of # 1. Training so that Hammy and he are perfectly prepared for any eventuality. future conflicts. Orm, meanwhile, seems to be about to launch, Ty, trident in hand, pissed off and ready to engage whoever he thinks has hurt him.

Part of what was finally revealed on the plot of Aquaman Will Orm, who is Arthur Curry's half-brother and has ruled in his absence, be willing to start a war with the surface world over ocean pollution, while Arthur will be interested in trying to keep the peace and to find a non-combat solution. It is therefore perfectly logical that both images show ready-to-fight animals and a clearly angry elm.

We will all be able to feast on the way these scenes are used in Aquaman when the film opens on December 14th.

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