Discover this beautiful celestial penis drawn by the Marines over California


We are pleased to inform you that the United States Marine Corps has drawn a penis in the sky.

Marine Corps spokesman Josef Patterson confirmed that the phallic flight had been established by the 3 Wing Aircraft, explaining to the veterans information site, Task and Purpose, that the branch had "opened an ongoing investigation at this very moment".

"More to watch soon," he says.

The explicit flight model was spotted for the first time on Tuesday by @AircraftSpots, who captured the amazingly symmetrical dong over the Salton Sea in southeastern California. Patterson told Task and Purpose that it was "not immediately clear" how many immature marines were involved in the waterfall.

This is the second time the military has been caught off guard. In November 2017, two navy pilots erected a huge dong among the clouds over Washington and were then disciplined by informing their fellow naval officers of the "ramifications and embarrassment" of the navy. public penis painting.

According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, the Navy airmen responsible for the air dies would have lost their jobs completely, but the administrators put them on probation for six months and had them "explore the potential strategic effects their behavior could have" .

Although the armed forces do not seem to find much joy in what a former commander previously referred to as "sophisticated and immature antics," civilians thought that this 2018 demonstration was absolutely hilarious.

It's hard to take everything seriously – even the Marines need an exit from time to time.

We have contacted the Marines for additional information, and we will update this post if we have an answer.

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